PowerShell DSC module for setting permissions on private keys of certificates. This solution works in the cases where the certificate property HasPrivateKey is true and the PrivateKey property is null.
To manually install the module, download the source code from GitHub and unzip the contents to the '$env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules' folder.
A full list of changes in each version can be found in the change log.
- xCertificatePermission resource to grant a user permission to read the private key of a certificate.
This resource is used to assign permissions to a certificate within a certificate store.
- Target machine must be running Windows Server 2008 R2 or later.
- Credit to https://www.sysadmins.lv/blog-en/retrieve-cng-key-container-name-and-unique-name.aspx for the unmanaged code portion of this solution.
Location (Key): Location of the certificate store. { LocalMachine | CurrentUser }[String]
Thumbprint (Key): Thumbprint of the certificate.[String]
Store (Key): Name of the store within the Location the certificate exists.[String]
Ensure (Write): Specifies if the permission should be present or absent. { Present | Absent }[String]
UserAccount (Write): User account to assign the permission to.[String]
Permission (Write): Permission to assign or remove. { Read | FullControl}
Configuration AssignPermissionToCertificate
Import-DscResource -Name xCertificatePermission
# A Configuration block can have zero or more Node blocks
Node localhost
# Next, specify one or more resource blocks
xCertificatePermission MyPermission
Ensure = "Present"
Location = "LocalMachine"
Thumpprint = "fbbd43ab6d8f297d0495b5d603e743fc5aab3f36"
Store = "My"
UserAccount = "CONTOSO\User1"
Permission = "Read"