These scripts are for different games in which it is handy to have a fullscreen borderless window while playing. All of these scripts are written with AutoIt3( ) All of the compiled .exe files contain the same code as the .au3 files. If you do not want to run the .exe you can download AutoIt3 from the link above and execute the scripts that way.
This script looks for a window title that contains "Arma 2 OA", resizes it and removes the border. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY OTHER WINDOWS/FOLDERS OPEN WITH "Arma 2 OA" IN THE NAME!
This script looks for a window named "DayZ.exe", resizes it and removes the border. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY OTHER WINDOWS/FOLDERS OPEN WITH "DayZ.exe" IN THE NAME!
This script looks for a window named exactly "Loadout", resizes it and removes the border. MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT HAVE ANY OTHER WINDOWS/FOLDERS OPEN WITH THE SAME NAME!
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