A full stack web project built with ASP.NET, EF Core and the TMDB API. The Application can be used for browsing and logging movies and tv shows.
Main page:
Login / Register / Logout:
Profile Page:
Profile Statistics:
Playlist (grid/list):
Playlists /with QR Codes/:
Trailer Partial Views / Modals
Movie/Show page:
Actors page:
Reviews/ User Reviews Page:
Admin Area:
ToastR notifications:
API - Endpoints and Results:
- Have access to the welcome page for guests and can register or log in.
- Can search for movies/shows/actors
- Can browse the discover section - popular/top rated/trending/newly released movies.
- Can browse all sections like the guests.
- Can create custom playlists.
- Can also make playlists public and generate QR Codes for each list.
- Can save movies/shows to a playlist(including a user-specific favorites list)
- Can save a list of favorite actors.
- Can rate and review movies.
- Can edit and delete playlists.
- Can edit and delete movies/shows.
- Can delete user accounts.
- All services are tested
- Some controller routes are tested
- The API can return information about user playlists, users and movies/shows
All data is pulled from the TMDB Api and only what is required is saved to the DB.
- ASP.NET Core 6
- Entity Framework Core 6.0.9
- Microsoft SQL Server Express
- Docker
- ASP.NET Identity System
- MVC Areas (Admin / User-Guest)
- Razor Pages + Partial Views
- Customized Log in and Register pages (scaffolded)
- Dependency Injection and IoC
- Data Validation, both Client-side, and Server-side
- Responsive Design (Custom CSS, Bootstrap and JS animations/transitions/DOM)
- Bootstrap 5
- Redis Caching
- Fluent Validation
- TMDB Api Wrapper
- Toastr
- QRCoder
- jQuery
- Swagger/Swashbuckle
- MyTested.AspNetCore.Mvc
- Moq (incl inMemory DB)
- xunit and NUnit
- coverlet
- CodeCov
🏅 SoftUni Web Advanced/ASP.NET - 104/105 pts (6.00)