Tutors is a collection of open source components and services supporting the creation of transformative learning experiences using open web standards. It consists of two key components:
Generator: transforms a folder of learning content into a Tutors course
Reader: presents a Tutors course as an intuitive, discoverable and attractive Web experience
Tutors is developed in the open by an active and friendly community, based on a simple set of values.
This repo is the Tutors Layout Reference Course - and can be viewed here.
- Tutors: The course reader application. This is a SvelteKit application, written in TypeScript with a user experience implemented using Tailwind & Skeleton.
- Tutors Apps: A monorepo encapsulating the generators, tests + support tools and applications. It is written in TypeScript.
- Tutors Reference Manual: The manual is itself a tutors course, and is largely written in Markdown.
- Tutors Reference Course: A Tutors course to included all tutors learning objects and structures.