Before getting started, make sure you have the following installed on your system:
- Node.js
- podman
The project was tested with Node.js v18.19.1 and podman v4.9.3.
install npm packages
npm install
build application
npm run build
build image for helper scripts
cd python_scripts podman build -t tuteco-knowledge-base-helper:v1 .
create the following tree structure in the project root
- input
- script_data
- output
- script_data
- data
- data
- structure
- logs
- tmp
- input
set customer identifier you used when collecting the customer data with helper scripts
copy customer data collected by powershell script in input/script_data/$CUSTOMER_ID
convert collected data to markdown files
./infrastructure/ -c $CUSTOMER_ID -i ./input/script_data/ -o ./output/script_data/
copy converted markdown files from output/script_data/$CUSTOMER_ID to DEVONthink
(ONCE by changes) set project template folder name as it is in DEVONthink
(ONCE by changes) copy project template folder from DEVONthink in input/$PROJECT_TEMPLATE_FOLDER
(ONCE by changes) convert project template data to topics and categories definitions
./infrastructure/ -i ./input/$PROJECT_TEMPLATE_FOLDER/ -o ./data/structure/
(ONCE by changes) import script ./apple_scripts/ExportMarkdownDocumentation.applescript to DEVONthink scripts
set customer markdown data folder name as it is in DEVONthink
use apple script to export customer markdown data from DEVONthink to input/$CUSTOMER_MARKDOWN_DATA_FOLDER
convert customer markdown data to entities per category
./infrastructure/ -i ./input/$CUSTOMER_MARKDOWN_DATA_FOLDER/ -o ./data/data/ -c ./data/structure/category.json
set exposed port and start web server
export PORT= ./infrastructure/ -p $PORT -n ./infrastructure/nginx.conf -a ./dist/ -d ./data/ -t ./tmp/ -l ./logs/
UI is now available