Any Video Downloader is an Android library that enables users to download videos from various online sources, with a particular emphasis on popular video sharing platforms. This library offers the capability to download videos in different quality options, including 240P, 360P, 480P, 720P, 1080P, and more. It utilizes the Jsoup library and webview technology to facilitate the downloading process. Additionally, the library provides pre-defined proguard rules, ensuring seamless integration and compatibility with other Android projects.
Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Add the dependency:
implementation 'com.github.tushar09:AnyVideoDownloader:1.1.0'
VideoDownloader.getInstance().getResults(this, "", new OnVideoFoundListener() {
public void onVideo(ArrayList<VideoLink> videos) {
for (int i = 0; i < videos.size(); i++) {
Log.e("video", videos.get(i).isAudioAvailable() + " " + videos.get(i).getQuality() + " " + videos.get(i).getUrl());
public void onError(String error) {
Log.e("video error", error);