Contact: Eric Qin <>
Summary: This is a simple RTL implementation of a strawman-like chiplet protocol. The aim of the protocol is to provide lightweight communication with minimal IO connections.
File Structure:
src/chiplet_sys.v - top file connecting the fifo queues and RX / TX FSMs
src/fifo.v - simple fifo implementation
src/fifos_interface.v - fifos interface between Master and Slave
src/strawman_rx_fsm.v - recieving protocol fsm
src/strawman_tx_fsm.v - transmitting protocol fsm
tb/ - top level testbench
tb_fifo.v - simple fifo testbench
tb_fifos_interface.v -simple fifo interface testbench
Tools Needed:
Verilog Compiler / Waveform Viewer of your choice:
- Icarus Verilog
- ModelSim
- Verilator
- Xilinx ISE
- Altera Quartus
- GTKWave
Alternative Online Verilog Compiler
To run the code, upload all of the code and similate tb_chiplet_sys.v.
This work was supported by the DARPA CHIPS program.