Getting ready
git clone && cd
yarn install
yarn dev
The site is automatically published to GitHub Pages on any commits to the main
- Do not hydrate components unless strictly necessary
- This reduces the amount of JavaScript shipped to users' browsers.
- Write scoped CSS as much as possible.
- Avoids CSS collisions.
- Makes CSS dependencies explicit, allowing for easier editing.
- Astro components and CSS Modules import for Preact components make this easy.
- Write semantic HTML.
- Use Astro components for static reusable components.
- Use Preact components for interactive components.
Page content is located in src/pages
. Routing is file-based, meaning that both
the directory and names of files determine the URL of the page. For example,
will be available at /docs/clients/node
It is possible to write pages in Markdown, MDX or Astro. The latter two allow
for interactive features, such as embedding Preact components. If you want to
use an interactive component on a page, make sure you
instruct Astro to hydrate
the component. See src/pages/demo.mdx
for an example of how that would look.
Content collections, currently blog posts, features and protocols, are placed in
. Pages are not automatically generated from content collections.
Instead, the content collections are consumed in pages, for instance in
for the blog feed page. Route generation for single
blog posts is handled in src/pages/blog/[...slug].astro
. The pages are
generally also where layouts are applied.
Not automatically generating pages is useful because content collections can be used in various ways. The features collection for instance, does not have pages, but it's Markdown contents are instead rendered on the homepage.
The protocols contents are generated by yarn inject
and should not be edited
- Pagessrc/components
- Reusable componentssrc/content
- Content collections and their configurationsrc/layouts
- Layoutssrc/styles
- Global stylessrc/assets
- Any images placed here and linked to fromimg
tags in Astro templates, Markdown image definitions, or imported from.ts(x)
files will be automatically optimized by Astrosrc/lib
- Utility functionssrc/types
- Type definitions
Assuming tus/tus-resumable-upload-protocol
has been updated with the new
- Add the new version to
chmod +x ./scripts/
yarn inject
- Commit the changes and push