Go implementation of TurboSquid Publishing API
The TurboSquid API documentation is available at https://docs.api.turbosquid.com
You can download a compiled version of the ts-publishing-api-go app for your platform https://github.com/turbosquid/ts-publishing-api-go/releases. The application can be placed anywhere on your computer.
You can also build your own application as long as you have Go version 1.12 or later. Please follow general Go language instructions for building.
ts-publishing-api-go app is a commandline application. To run it, go to your command prompt or terminal and change the current working directory to the folder that you installed ts-publishing-api-go. Run the following command where "product-folder" is the name of a folder in the current directory that has a product.json definition and files to publish to TurboSquid.
./ts-publishing-api-go -path product-folder
The first time you run this application, it will ask you for your TurboSquid API Key and it will save that information in settings.yml file for future use.
By default this will build the product draft and not attempt to publish it. If you would like to publish it as a product, add the "-publish" flag to your command.
./ts-publishing-api-go -path product-folder -publish
NOTE: Currently products published in this way will not be visible publicly because there are no categories assigned. The publishing API does not yet allow you to add or edit categories, but this addition is coming soon. This app will be updated when that ability is available. In the meantime, you can add Categories in https://www.squid.io/turbosquid/products.
We have created a sample product that shows the formatting for product.json that the publishing api app expects. You can download and unzip this sample product into the same directory as the ts-publishing-api-go application.
./ts-publishing-api-go -path turbosquid-sample-product
Please ensure that your TurboSquid artist account has agreed to all of the artist license agreements at https://www.turbosquid.com/Seller/.
You can setup an API Key at https://www.turbosquid.com/MemberInfo/, however you currently need to be a member of the API beta group. Please contact support for more information.