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Tua Rua edited this page Sep 14, 2020 · 38 revisions

Welcome to the Firebase-ANE wiki!

N.B. You must use a Mac to build an iOS app using these ANEs. Windows is NOT supported.


The latest version (0.14.0) is built against iOS 13.3 SDK and now working. You must use a device with at least iOS 12.2 and set this as minimum version in you InfoAdditions



You will need

Downloading Required Files

Using Terminal on Mac | Command Prompt on Windows

Check out the repo

git clone

Change directory into the example folder eg

cd /MyMac/dev/AIR/Firebase-ANE/example

Run the "air-tools" command (You will need AIR-Tools installed)

air-tools install

NEW This tool now:

  1. Downloads the Firebase ANEs and dependencies.
  2. Applies all required Android Manifest, InfoAdditons and Entitlements to your app.xml. See air package.json

iOS: Packaging Frameworks Dependencies

The iOS FirebaseANEs are written in Swift. We need to package the Swift libraries (along with a couple of dynamic frameworks) with our AIR app

To find out more about writing Swift based ANEs see FreSwift

Modifications to AIR SDK

We need to patch some files in AIR SDK.

  • Copy the files from AIRSDK_additions into the corresponding folders in your AIRSDK.
  • Create a file called adt.cfg under lib/ with the following contents:


AIR 32 & 33

This ANE is built against AIR 33 SDK. AIR 32 is no longer supported.

IDE Java Memory

If you are including many FirebaseANEs (or many ANEs in general) you may get Memory errors from ADT when compiling your app. Ensure you are allocating a large enough JVM heap size:

For IntelliJ:

For Flash Builder:

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