List of basic functions:
- Log in, log out, forget your password, change your password
- User management
- Manage rights
- Manage menu
- Manage pages
- Manage the list
- Managing posts
Step1: git clone Step2: run "composer install" Step3: run "php artisan migrate" Step4: run "php artisan key:generate Step5: run "php artisan db::seed" Acc: admin/12345678
+-- app
¦ +-- Console
¦ +-- Enums
¦ +-- Exceptions
¦ +-- Http
¦ ¦ +-- Controllers
¦ ¦ +-- Middleware
¦ ¦ +-- Kernel
¦ +-- Models
¦ +-- Providers
¦ +-- Repositories
¦ +-- User.php
+-- bootstrap
¦ +-- cache
¦ +-- app.php
+-- config
¦ +-- app.php
¦ +-- auth.php
¦ +-- broadcasting.php
¦ +-- cache.php
¦ +-- database.php
¦ +-- filesystems.php
¦ +-- hashing.php
¦ +-- logging.php
¦ +-- mail.php
¦ +-- queue.php
¦ +-- services.php
¦ +-- sesion.php
¦ +-- view.php
+-- database
¦ +-- factories
¦ +-- migrations
¦ +-- seeds
¦ +-- gitignore
+-- public
¦ +-- admin
¦ +-- fonts
¦ +-- images
¦ +-- img
¦ +-- htaccess
¦ +-- favicon.ico
¦ +-- index.php
¦ +-- robots.txt
+-- resources
¦ +-- js
¦ +-- lang
¦ +-- sass
¦ +-- views
+-- route
¦ +-- api.php
¦ +-- channels.php
¦ +-- console.php
¦ +-- web.php
+-- storage
¦ +-- app
¦ +-- framework
¦ +-- logs
+-- tests
¦ +-- Feature
¦ +-- Unit
¦ +-- CreatesApplication.php
¦ +-- TestCase.php
+-- vendor
+-- yarn.lock