A Web2py web application to parse 5th Planet Games raid logs into useful statistical information.
* Mac OS X 10.9.5
* web2py Version 2.9.12-stable+timestamp.2015.
* MySQL Community Edition
* MySQL 5.6.23, for osx10.8 (x86_64)
* Python 2.7.9 via MacPorts
* python27 @2.7.9_0+ucs4
* py-mysql @1.2.3_1 (active)
* py27-mysql @1.2.3_1+mariadb55 (active)
* py-requests @2.5.1_0 (active)
* py27-requests @2.5.1_0 (active)
* py-yaml @3.11_0 (active)
* py27-yaml @3.11_0 (active)
* Debian 7.8
* web2py Version 2.9.12-stable+timestamp.2015.
* mysql-server 5.5.41-0+wheezy1
* Python 2.7
* python2.7 2.7.3-6+deb7u2
* python-mysqldb 1.2.3-2
* python-requests 0.12.1-1+deb7u1
* python-yaml 3.10-4+deb7u1
* Apache 2.2.x
* apache2 2.2.22-13+deb7u4
* apache2-mpm-prefork 2.2.22-13+deb7u4 ( for PHP )
* libapache2-mod-wsgi 3.3-4+deb7u1
Prerequisites ( Unix only ):
* Python 2.7.x
* python-mysqldb >= 1.2.3
* python-requests >= 0.12.1
* MySQL 5.5 or newer
* web2py
* Apache 2.2 or newer + mod-wsgi 3.3 or newer
* UgUp API Key from 5th Planet games: http://bit.ly/1jSdVoQ
Download web2py_src.zip from http://web2py.com/init/default/download and extract:
$ cd <development_directory>
$ mv ~/Downloads/web2py_src.zip .
$ unzip -a web2py_src.zip
Clone the application repository from github:
$ cd <development_directory>/web2py/applications
$ git clone https://github.com/tsunam/dotd_parser.git
Create the application settings file:
$ cd <development_directory>/web2py/private
$ cp apikey.example to apikey
Edit the apikey settings to reflect your environment
apikey: <Super_Secret>
platform: facebook
game: dawn
dbhost: localhost
dbuser: root
dbpass: password
db: dotd_parser
verbose_mode: 0
Replace the hash variables to the appropriate values you're using. game can be: dawn or suns platform can be: armor, facebook, kongegate, or newgrounds
Platforms have been observed to be equal across games during testing
verbose_mode makes item_import.py chatty
Create the application database:
$ mysql
mysql> CREATE DATABASE dotd_parser;
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dotd_parser.* TO "dotd_parser"@"localhost" IDENTIFIED BY "password";
mysql> EXIT
Start up the web2py application:
$ cd <development_directory>/web2py
$ python web2py.py
Open the local instance to initialize the database:
Open a browser to
Access admin menu
Access dotd_parser app
You should see a form entry
Populate the database with content from the UgUp API Server:
$ cd <development_directory>/web2py/cron
$ ./item_import.py
Go to your local instance and start testing:
Open a browser to
Submit some raid logs
You should see reports
Prep the dotd_parser for your production server:
Open a browser to
Switch to the admin mode
Compile add working code
On your production server, configure a web2py instance:
Create mysql database and user
Extract web2py_src.zip to /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/
Adjust /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py/private/apikey for mysql credentials
Copy <development_dir>/web2py/applications/dotd_parser/* to production server vhost dir
Copy /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py/applications/dotd_parser/routes.production-mode.py
to /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py/routes.py
Copy /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py/handlers/wsgihandler.py
to /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py/wsgihandler.py
$ sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py/
Create a vhost instance in apache2:
$ cd /etc/apache/sites-enabled
$ sudo vi vhost-dotd-parser.conf
Apache VHost Entry:
<VirtualHost ${IP_ADDRESS}:80>
ServerAdmin webmaster@${PROD.SERVER.TLD}
CustomLog logs/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}-access_log combined
ErrorLog logs/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}-error_log
WSGIDaemonProcess ${PROD.SERVER.TLD} user=www-data group=www-data processes=5 threads=1
WSGIScriptAlias / /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py/wsgihandler.py
# WSGIPassAuthorization On
<Directory /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py>
AllowOverride None
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all
<Files wsgihandler.py>
Allow from all
AliasMatch ^/([^/]+)/static/(?:_[\d]+.[\d]+.[\d]+/)?(.*) \
<Directory /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py/applications/*/static/>
Options -Indexes
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 hour"
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
Check to see if apache is happy:
$ sudo apache2ctl configtest
If so, restart apache:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
Access your VHost site via a browser.
Go to http://${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/.
You should see the dotd_parser app running with a prompt to enter log data
Populate the production server database with UgUp API content
$ cd /content/${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/web2py/applications/dotd_parser/cron
$ ./item_import.py
Go to your server instance and start testing:
Open a browser to http://${PROD.SERVER.TLD}/
Enter some log data and submit
You should see a report
Please post an issue.
Better yet, fork and offer a pull request!
Initial application designed and shared by https://github.com/tsunam/dotd_parser.