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Tarun Sukhu edited this page May 5, 2014 · 10 revisions

Welcome to the rwd-spa-alljs-app wiki!

The basic idea of this project is to start and exploration exercise into the exciting world of responsive web design and single page applications. I believe the best way to learn a technology is to build something and have a practical example to relate to. Keeping this in mind here are my initial goals.

  • Build a reference implementation using an ALL Java Script stack based SPA
  • Tools and frameworks used do not require you to be a CSS3 and HTML5 UI expert or have basic skills of JS but still create impressive SPA applications leveraging the power of these frameworks.
  • Node.js/Express/MongoDB/AngularJS/Bootstrap will form the crux of the application.

Features Planned (Also added to the issue list)

  • Explore all the wonderful components of Bootstrap to build a Responsive UI
  • CRUD operations using MongoDB and REST APIs for accessing the same.
  • Integration with Social Components , Geolocation utilities like weather , Mash-ups.
  • Real Time Event / Data handling using Node.js / websockets/
  • User preferences
  • Single Sign-On
  • HTML5 APIs like Local Storage
  • There is already a directive added for the weather forcast in the current implementation but there is a lot that can be explored and tried out .. AngularJS features/Patterns like Directives/Factory/Services
  • Full Build infrastructure - Explore tools like Grunt
  • Test Infrastructure - Unit Testing tools like Node.js (Chai/nodeunit/nodeload) , AngularJS(Karma), Bootstrap (Chrome Canary)
  • phew !! a lot to be done but will get there :-)

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