1.use async mediaCodec
2.use camera2
3.use zbar to scan barcode
compile 'com.yanzhenjie.zbar:zbar:1.0.0'
compile 'com.yanzhenjie.zbar:camera:1.0.0'
compile 'com.yanzhenjie:permission:1.0.7'
//draw the view if you want
compile 'com.github.ChillingVan:android-openGL-canvas:v1.2.2.3'
//event bus
compile 'org.greenrobot:eventbus:3.1.1'
first: init camera2
FrontCamera frontCamera = new FrontCamera();
frontCamera.buildCamera2();// frontCamera.buildCamera1();
BackCamera backCamera = new BackCamera();
backCamera.buildCamera2();// backCamera.buildCamera1();
second: startCamera when surfaceTexture is available or onSet
*zbar detect resolution set
can set resoluition to zbar library
if your device support 1920*1080 . e.g STREAMING_RESOLUTION = 1920
*zbar *Add interface callback code
*Add ZbarProcessorRunnable Code
*Add EventBus bean
1. init ZbarProcessorRunnable
2. put the byte[] data into ZbarProcessorRunnable
3. register EventBus for zbar result
- init zbarProcessorRunnable
if(zbarProcessorRunnable == null && imageWidth >0 && imageHeight >0 ){
zbarProcessorRunnable = new ZbarProcessorRunnable(
imageWidth,//image width
previewSize.getWidth(),//camera2 preview width
- set data to zbar
if(zbarProcessorRunnable!=null) {
- draw the canvas on preview
- android-openGL-canvas (https://github.com/ChillingVan/android-openGL-canvas)