The mpscripts/
folder is for Python code that will be 'baked-in'
to the firmware but not frozen into more efficient and smaller code.
Everything in the mpscripts/
folder is just stored as the raw
Python code in the board's flash memory.
This saves you from having to copy that code onto the board's filesystem, but doesn't save a lot of memory or processing time.
The mods/
folder is for Python code that will be frozen into more efficient bytecode.
This is where you want to place scripts that you'd like freeze to save memory.
First copy your custom MicroPython modules to ./mods/
Then run the following commands:
$ ./ <VERSION> clean def
$ ./ <VERSION> clean spiram
For the ESP32-WROOM32 with 520kB SRAM:
$ ./ <VERSION> mk def
For the ESP32-WROVER-B with 520kB SRAM + 4MB SPI-RAM:
$ ./ <VERSION> mk spiram
The new firmware binary will be copied to
- ESP32-WROOM32:
Currently the MicroPython versions
- 1.11 and
- 1.12 and
- 1.13
are available.