This project is in development. See /test_coverage.html
for a breakdown of test results
by query type. Development is test driven, with tests generated by scraping sql commands
directly from the source postgres repo. See the scripts section below for details.
This project was built on MacOs v.10.14 using
- Maven v.3.3.9
- Python v.2.7.13
- Java v.1.8.0_144
Maven and Java are used for building and testing. Some scripts use Python.
To generate the Java parser code used for testing, run mvn compile
Test queries live in src/test/resources
categorized by query type. Each has been
scraped from code in the source postgres repo and each query type has a Java test harness.
For example, running mvn -Dtest=SelectCommandTest test
runs tests against all SELECT
queries. To run tests against all queries, run mvn test
Most tests fail simply because this project is incomplete. The development process has been test -> fail -> pick a failing query -> fix it. Addressing the root cause of a single failing test often fixes others, although diminishing returns applies as total accuracy increases.
Note that since each test lives in its own file and filesystems have minimum page sizes (e.g. 4K), the size of this repo can be over 80MB. Having each test in single file has been helpful for debugging. Test queries may be consolidated into fewer files when this project reaches a stable state.
As mentioned, tests have been generated from the official postgres repo
( To regenerate them, fetch the repository
at the desired version and run ./scripts/gen_psql_tests src/test/regress/sql /tmp/my_local_psql_tests/
where src/test/regress/sql
is a directory in the source postgres project.
Sometimes it is useful to see exactly where the parser fails on a specific query.
You could use IntelliJ Idea Plugin for ANTLR v4 for testing.
Also there's a script for that. To see where the parser fails on selectttt 1
, run ./scripts/parse "selectttt 1" stmt
The first argument is the query and the second the grammar rule, with stmt
being the root rule defined
in PostgreSQLParser.g4
The /test_coverage.html
test coverage report can be generated from piping a script that runs all
the tests and filters out summary lines into one that formats those lines into an html table.
Simply run ./scripts/get_test_output | ./scripts/format_test_results > test_coverage.html
. Note
that this can take a minute through the entire suite.
also fills failed.log
with the names of currently failed scripts.
Sometimes small changes in parser could cause a decrease of the success rates in the coverage report.
prints to console a code of the statements that previously were
success and now have status 'failed'. In normal way the length of failed.log
should only decrease.