This is the meetup app I created for the udacity senior front-end developer course. It is created with React and Redux and with an ES6 syntax. Build tools I used are gulp and webpack. I run webpack to build the ES6 syntax to 'normal' javascript.
The application consists of the following parts
Login / Register
Firstly you need to create a account to use the application and then login with your email + password. Your username is displayed at the meetups you create.
if you are not logged in you will be redirected to the login page
Validations on registering:
- Username needs to be bigger then 3 characters
- Email needs to be a valid email adress
- Password needs to be bigger then 6 characters
Create meetup
If you login you will be able to create a meetup. The form has some defaults, like the start date is always the date of today.
The form also has some validations.
- Name, Location, start date and end date are mandatory.
- Name needs to be longer then 3 chars
- Start date needs to be before end date.
- End date needs to be after the start date
View meetups
On the browse meetup tab you will see the created meetups by you and other users.
- Clone the repository
- Go to the folder
- Run npm install
- Run webpack-dev-server
- Go to localhost