S.W.O.L. is a very buggy esolang built on top of python. It stands for: Slow Weird One Line (for the language) or Script With One Line (for the file format (.swol)).
One perk is that SWOL scripts are written in only one line and you have to seperate everything (functions, strings etc...) with underscores.
Another thing is that SWOL is compiled differently by translating directly it's tokens to python.
Download python (https://www.python.org/downloads/)
Download the repo
Use one of these 2 files
SWOL File Compiler:
1 - Create a file that ends in .swol with any editor (eg. Notepad)
2 - Try a script like this: a_=_I_(_"What's your name? "_)_;_P_(_"Hello, "_+_a_)
3 - On the repo folder, type this command python swol_file_compiler.py
+ the path to the swol file
4 - If everything worked, it sould print the python version and run the script
1 - Launch swol_repl.py
2 - Type some commands in SWOL
For more help, visit the documentation
Current version: 1.5.2