Creates a bastion server that can connect to a private Openshift cluster.
Install requirements
- Terraform --> Install terraform
- AWS command line --> Install AWS cli
- Configure AWS account for cli --> Configure AWS cli
Required environment variables:
- OCP_NAME - Unique name to identify server, should match the cluster name or customer name
- VPC_ID - The vpc id of the Openshift cluster your are wanting to connect to
- CLUSTER_VPC_SG_ID - The DEFAULT vpc security group id of the Opendshift cluster you are wanitng to connect to
- PUBLIC_SUBNET_ID - The public subnet id of the Openshift cluster you are wanting to connect to
- [-h] help
- [-i] Install bastion server that can connect to Openshift cluster
- [-d] Delete bastion server
- -i to install or -d delete are required to run
Example run install
./ -i