Docker container to run Karma tests with Angular CLI inside Docker using Xvfb
This image is sponsored and maintained by - trion offers commercial training and consulting for all things Docker and Angular.
docker run -u $(id -u) --rm -v "$PWD":/app trion/ng-cli-karma ng new MyDemo
cd MyDemo
docker run -u $(id -u) --rm -v "$PWD":/app trion/ng-cli-karma ng serve --host
docker run -u $(id -u) --rm -v "$PWD":/app trion/ng-cli-karma ng serve --host :: #ipv6
docker run -u $(id -u) --rm -v "$PWD":/app trion/ng-cli-karma ng build
If you want to clone additional git repositories, f.e. from package.json, and you run with a different user than uid 1000 you need to mount the passwd since git requires to resolve the uid.
docker run -u $(id -u) --rm -p 4200:4200 -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd -v "$PWD":/app trion/ng-cli npm install
docker run -u $(id -u) --rm -v "$PWD":/app trion/ng-cli-karma ng test
docker run -u $(id -u) --rm -v "$PWD":/app trion/ng-cli-karma ng test --watch false
WebGL is supported using Mesa software rendering. Since this is much slower it is not enabled by default.
In order to use the WebGL configuration, you need to use xvfb-chromium-webgl
instead of using the regular chromium wrapper, called as chrome
or chromium
That wrapper has the additional switches --enable-webgl --ignore-gpu-blacklist
enabled, which are required for software WebGL rendering.
This can be configured in the karma configuration, f.e.
browsers: ['/usr/bin/xvfb-chromium-webgl'],
or you can specify the chrome excutable using the CHROME_BIN
environment variable like
docker run -e CHROME_BIN=/usr/bin/xvfb-chromium-webgl -u $(id -u) --rm -v "$PWD":/app trion/ng-cli-karma ng test --watch false
Instead of running on the hidden Xvfb, you can also run the provided Chrome on a real display.
To do so you need to export the display, bind the /tmp sockets, and select the provided display-chromium
startup wrapper via the CHROME_BIN
environment variable:
docker run -e DISPLAY=:0 -e CHROME_BIN=/usr/bin/display-chromium -u $(id -u) --rm -v /tmp:/tmp -v "$PWD":/app trion/ng-cli-karma ng test
If you forget to expose the /tmp/.X* socket you'll get an error message like:] NaCl helper process running without a sandbox!
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are in the process to provide headless browsers capable of executing integration tests.
Currently WebGL needs the mesa software renderer for Chrome, but it will change to the swift renderer, see
Mozilla is still working on headless support in Firefox:
Run the tests in interactive debugging mode (see above) and check the browser console.
If there are errors like Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES
or An error was thrown in afterAll Error: Can't find ./some-file.ts] (required by other-file.ts) at require
it may be that the browser is running out of shared memory. Try to either increase the shared memory with the docker parameter --shm-size 1G
or disable shared memory usage by specifying the flag --disable-dev-shm-usage
for Chromium/Chrome.