xSDKTrilinos is a Trilinos package which provides Tpetra-based interfaces to hypre and PETSc. It is a part of the Extreme-Scale Scientific Software Development Kit, or xSDK. The xSDK provides an interoperability layer that enables easy installation and combined usage of the IDEAS libraries. An xSDKTrilinos user manual detailing the installation and usage of this package can be found in the doc/xSDK_manual directory.
Alicia Klinvex: amklinv@sandia.gov
Mike Heroux: maherou@sandia.gov
Jim Willenbring: jmwille@sandia.gov
Ross Bartlett: rabartl@sandia.gov
Trilinos: https://trilinos.org
PETSc: https://www.mcs.anl.gov/petsc
hypre: http://computation.llnl.gov/projects/hypre-scalable-linear-solvers-multigrid-methods
IDEAS: https://ideas-productivity.org
xSDK: https://xsdk.info