Authors : @paulflagel, @nathanetourneau
Master 2 IA - Université Lyon 1 - 2021-2022
On a N*M grid, there are objects, n_a objets of class A, and n_b objects of class B. There are also n_agents agents, and the goal for the agent is to sort the objects. The agents are subject to the following rules :
- they are able to move only randomly in the eight directions (N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SE, SO).
- on a grid, there can only be one object and/or one agent at the same time.
- agents have a memory of the past m cells they visited, they pick or drop objects only using the memory of the past m cells, they do not have access to their environment.
This work is based on the paper : Deneubourg, Jean-Louis et al “The dynamics of collective sorting robot-like ants and ant-like robots” (1991).
To run the work, one can use the handy streamlit app in
by running streamlit run
or just run python
for a less fancy but nevertheless working visualisation of the objects spread across the rounds.