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EzekTec edited this page Feb 23, 2023 · 6 revisions

The Broadcaster helper adds messaging APIs to your application. Objects within an application can register to be notified when certain events within the application occur. When an event of a certain kind is broadcast then all listeners are notified. There are two reasons you might want to use the Broadcaster helper in your application:

  • So the broadcaster doesn't need to know in advance who the listeners are.
  • So multiple objects can respond to a message that is being broadcast.


Activate the broadcaster framework helper

To add the Broadcaster helper to your application add it under the helpers section of the app.yml file:

# app.yml

  - folder: ./helpers
  - filename: "[[FRAMEWORK]]/helpers/broadcaster"

Using the Broadcaster API

The Broadcaster API provides a means whereby interested controls (e.g. stacks, cards, buttons, etc.) can be notified when a specific event occurs. The event that generates a broadcast is not interested in who is listening. It simply broadcasts a message. Controls that have registered for a specific event will be sent a message when the event occurs.

To illustrate how this helper can be used consider preferences in an application. An application typically has a preferences window where settings can be modified. Each time a preference that affects your application's user interface changes, your code must make that update. The code that allows the user to change a preference should not have to know about all of the controls that might change, however. This is where broadcasting comes in. The Preferences helper uses the broadcaster APIs which means you can register to be notified whenever "prefs" are updated.

Assuming your app is using the Broadcaster helper, each time prefsSetPref is called the following broadcaster API call is made:

# pKey is the preference key that was modified.
broadcasterBroadcast "prefs", pKey, pValue

With that in mind your application can ask to be notified whenever a specific preference key is updated.


# Register to be notified when this card when the default text size preference is changed
on openCard
  broadcasterListenForBroadcast "prefs", "default text size", the long id of me, "UpdateUIWithDefaultTextSize"
end openCard

# When card closes it is no longer interested in being notified
on closeCard
  broadcasterStopListeningForBroadcasts "prefs", "default text size", the long id of me
end closeCard

# Update UI when default text size changes
command UpdateUIWithDefaultTextSize pPreferenceKey
  # The broadcaster passes in the name of the preference that was updated
  # as the first parameter.
  put prefsGetPref(pPreferenceKey) into tNewValue

  # Use tNewValue to update the UI
end UpdateUIWithDefaultTextSize



Type: command

Syntax: broadcasterBroadcast <pCategory>,<pBroadcasts>,<pParamsPackageA>

Summary: Broadcasts a message to any objects that are listening.

Returns: empty


Name Description
pCategory The category that pBroadcasts belong to.
pBroadcasts A comma delimited list of the broadcasts to trigger. Every object listening for these broadcasts will be sent a message.
pParamsPackageA An array that will be sent along with the broadcast. You can include any data relevant to the broadcast in this array.


Typically pBroadcasts will only contain one broadcast to send, especially if you are using pParamsPackageA.


# Notify listeners that a document was updated by someone.
put 1 into tParamsA["document id"]
put "Jane Doe" into tParamsA["updated by"]
broadcasterBroadcast "app", "document updated", tParamsA


Type: command

Syntax: broadcasterBroadcastInTime <pCategory>,<pBroadcasts>,<pParamsPackageA>,<pMillisecs>

Summary: Sends a broadcast message using send in time.


Name Description
pCategory The category that pBroadcasts belong to.
pBroadcasts A comma delimited list of the broadcasts to trigger. Every object listening for these broadcasts will be sent a message.
pParamsPackageA An array that will be sent along with the broadcast. You can include any data relevant to the broadcast in this array.
pMillisecs The amount of time in milliseconds to wait before broadcasting. Default value is 0.


Use this form to broadcast a message outside of the current event loop.


# Notify listeners after the window has closed
on closeStack

  put 1 into tParamsA["document id"]
  broadcasterBroadcastInTime "app", "document window closed", tParamsA, 10

end closeStack


Type: function

Syntax: broadcasterListeners(<pCategory>,<pBroadcast>)

Summary: Returns an array of the objects that are listening for broadcasts for a particular category.

Returns: A nested array. Dimension 1 is numerically indexed starting with 1. Dimension 2 has broadcast and controls keys.


Name Description
pCategory Return listeners listening for broadcasts in this category.
pBroadcast Optional. If a non-empty value is passed in then only listeners for this specific broadcast will be returned.


pCategory is the category you are interested in. Here is some sample code which shows how to see which controls are listening for broadcasts from the Preferences helper:

put broadcasterListeners("prefs") into tListenersA
repeat with i = 1 to the number of elements of tListenersA
  put "Broadcast:" && tListenersA[i]["broadcast"] & cr after tText
  put "Controls that are listening:" & cr after tText
  repeat for each line tControl in tListenersA[i]["controls"]
    put "  " & tControl & cr after tText
  end repeat
  put cr after tText
end repeat

put tText


Type: command

Syntax: broadcasterListenForBroadcasts <pCategory>,<pBroadcasts>,<pBroadcastTarget>,<pMessage>

Summary: Registers a control to receive a notification for broadcasts associated with a specific category.

Returns: Error message


Name Description
pCategory The category that pBroadcasts belong to.
pBroadcasts A comma delimited list of broadcasts from pCategory that pBroadcastTarget is interested in.
pBroadcastTarget A reference to the object that will be sent pMessage.
pMessage The message that will be sent to pBroadcastTarget. If left empty then the default message for the broadcast type will be sent.


Broadcasts are separated into different categories. For example, the Preferences helper uses the prefs category when broadcasting messages. Broadcasts generated from your app might use the app category. Categories are simply a means of organizing broadcasts based on who is generating the broadcast.


# When used with the `Preferences` helper an object can be notified when a preference is changed.
broadcasterListenForBroadcast "prefs", "default text size", the long id of me, "UpdateDefaultTextSize"

# Be notified when media files have finished downloading.
broadcasterListenForBroadcast "app", "media files downloaded", the long id of me, "MediaFilesDownloadsComplete"


Type: command

Syntax: broadcasterStopListeningForBroadcasts <pCategory>,<pBroadcasts>,<pBroadcastTarget>

Summary: Unregisters an object that is listening for broadcasts.

Returns: Error message


Name Description
pCategory The category that pBroadcasts belong to.
pBroadcasts A comma delimited list of broadcasts the listener is no longer interested in.
pBroadcastTarget A reference to the object that is listening for broadcasts.
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