Output lyrics from LyricWiki for a given song or the currently playing song in MPD.
Python packages:
- lxml
- cssselect
Optional binaries:
- mpc to get the currently playing song from MPD
Follow the usual Python paradigm
sudo python setup.py install
or just run it directly
See the help output
lyrics --help
for details. In its simplest form, lyrics
, get the currently playing song from
MPD if possible, then fetch its lyrics from LyricWiki and output
them to stdout. The mode can be changed with various switches to open a browser
to the lyrics page or the edit lyrics page, or to output either URL to stdout.
Or the artist and title can be given, such as lyrics Rammstein Los
or lyrics Periphery "Ow My Feelings"
Probably. Reports or patches are welcome, on the Github tracker.
Bart Nagel bart@tremby.net and others