I'm Travis, a full stack web and native iOS developer from Nashville 🤠, TN USA.
I'm passionate about software creating better experiences for everyone in this world. I love building well thought out, well designed, intuitive and beautiful experiences for people. This makes me a tinkerer at heart who loves to play with things and constantly iterate. This is probably why I am also a certified scrum master.
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This is a little tvOS app I wrote to better understand network calls in Swift. The great thing about tvOS is its UI limitations. It's always a 16:9 aspect ratio and always landscape mode so for someone new to Swift and iOS development, it was a great entré to dive in with. The app gets a background image from a curated list of National Parks via the Unsplash API, it displays the weather from OpenWeather and displays the current time.
This is the capstone project I did for my client-side learning at Nashville Software School. So it was my first foray into React. The idea was to create a way for my favorite burrito shop in town to take online orders. So a user can build an order and send it to the queue. From there an employee view allows a person to manage the queue and e-mail items (presumably to a printer). As said, the app was written in React using the Grommet CSS-in-JS framework. The backend is just a little JSON-server file.
This is the capstone project that I did at NSS for my server-side learning. It's basically a React app with a Django/Python backend. The idea was to create a database of items that a user could build a proposal and transmit that to a client. I used Grommet again to help with styling as well as React-Table and a bit of Material UI to make the data tables at the heart of the app. Django made connecting to a SQLite database relatively easy and fast.
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