This plugin has been deprecated, please use the travis settings
command and the GitHub plugin instead.
Little plugin for the travis cli wrapping GitHub's Repo Hooks API to enable/disable pull request testing for a repository (and a few more things using that API).
Manage pull request testing for a repository.
Available subcommands: enable, disable, show, signature and token
Usage: travis pr [subcommand] [options]
-h, --help Display help
-i, --[no-]interactive be interactive and colorful
-E, --[no-]explode don't rescue exceptions
--skip-version-check don't check if travis client is up to date
--skip-completion-check don't check if auto-completion is set up
-e, --api-endpoint URL Travis API server to talk to
-I, --[no-]insecure do not verify SSL certificate of API endpoint
--pro short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
--org short-cut for --api-endpoint ''
-t, --token [ACCESS_TOKEN] access token to use
--debug show API requests
-X, --enterprise [NAME] use enterprise setup (optionally takes name for multiple setups)
--adapter ADAPTER Faraday adapter to use for HTTP requests
-r, --repo SLUG repository to use (will try to detect from current git clone)
--github-token TOKEN identify by GitHub token
-f, --force-login force a proper login handshake with github
You can check if pull request testing is currently enabled or disabled by running travis pr
or travis pr show
. You can disable/enable pull request testing by running travis pr enable
/travis pr disable
$ travis pr
Pull Request testing is currently enabled for travis-ci/travis.
$ travis pr disable
Pull Request testing has been disabled for travis-ci/travis.
You can also use this tool to retrieve the "Travis token" used for a repository:
$ travis pr token
Travis CI token used for travis-ci/travis: e1741ee5bf232e9e828c
Or have it calculate the signature used for web hooks:
$ travis pr signature
Signature used for travis-ci/travis web hooks: 57ca05aa0db5d27d20b2df24e27e2a191deeb7dd37075d921b76b95eddf60b9b
If you are not running the command from within the project directory, add the -r
$ travis pr disable -r travis-ci/travis
Pull Request testing has been disabled for travis-ci/travis.
If you run this on Travis Enterprise, don't forget the -X
flag the first time you use this command on a repository.
$ travis pr disable -r secret/project -X
Pull Request testing has been disabled for travis-ci/travis.
$ git clone ~/.travis/travis-cli-pr
Or clone to anywhere and symlink to ~/.travis/travis-cli-pr