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TRACER Symbolic Execution Tool

Copyright 2008-2016 National University of Singapore. All rights reserved.

See for license information of TRACER. This distribution contains third party software. See lib/LICENSE for the copyright and license information of the included third-party software.

This is a version of TRACER symbolic execution tool with CIL front-end. Chu Duc Hiep, Joxan Jaffar, Rasool Maghareh, Vijayaraghavan Murali, Jorge Navas, Andrew Santosa, and Razvan Voicu contributed to its initial development.

Much appreciated feedbacks have been provided by Jia Su.


  • jdk >= 1.5
  • ant >= 1.7.0
  • gpp >= 2.24
  • ocaml >= 3.12.1 (for CIL)

Installation by Building TRACER Distribution

This version of TRACER may not have all the features, but it has the interpolation (abstraction learning) algorithm for search-space reduction already implemented. For running on Linux/x86 systems, execute ant dist to create tracer-0.1.tar.gz tracer distribution package in the source root. Unpack tracer-0.1.tar.gz into your preferred directory, say <some_prefix> and follow further instructions in <some_prefix>/tracer-0.1/README.

Running TRACER in the Source Tree

This version is more advanced and has more features.

  1. Set up environment variables TRACER_PATH and CLPR_BASE_PATH.

    For instance, in bash:

    export TRACER_PATH=<some_prefix>/tracer
    export CLPR_BASE_PATH=<some_prefix>/tracer/src

    For convenience, add to PATH the directory $TRACER_PATH/bin

  2. Build CLP(R):

    cd $TRACER_PATH/src/clpr-1.2b
  3. Build cilly if necessary. There is a pre-built cilly in both $TRACER_PATH/lib and $TRACER_PATH/bin for Linux x86_64, however, you can build it in the following way:

    cd $TRACER_PATH/lib/cil-1.3.7
    ./configure && make
    cp obj/x86_LINUX/cilly.asm.exe $TRACER_PATH/bin/cilly
    cp obj/x86_LINUX/cilly.asm.exe $TRACER_PATH/lib/cilly

    Note CIL needs OCaml. We tried with 3.11 but it does not work. The version we tested is 3.12.1

  4. Run one of the following scripts:

    • tracer - run TRACER from the command line. You need to specify which analysis to run. For example tracer slicer will run the slicer. Run tracer -help for help on how to run the script.
    • gtracer - run TRACER using a GUI
    • cilly - run CIL (part of the compiler)

    Some utilities:

    • c2c - output the symbolic execution tree in C format.
    • allfigs2pdf - convert all dot files into pdf and open them using a pdf reader.

Files and Directories

  • build.xml
  • classes - contains all *.class of the system (GENERATED AUTOMATICALLY)
  • lib - contains *.jar files
  • bin - contains all scripts
  • dist - tools to generate the distribution version
  • src
    • compiler/antlr - contains the compiler from C to CLP
    • compiler/GUIFrontEnd - contains the GUI front end of the system
    • interpreter - contains the interpreter that runs the CLP program

Asked Questions

  • Q: Where are the benchmark programs used in SAS '12 paper: ''Path-Sensitive Backward Slicing'', and how to run the slicer?
    A: The programs are:

    • mpeg: src/interpreter/tests/SLICING/MACRO_TESTS/mpeg/mpeg.c
    • diskperf: src/interpreter/tests/SLICING/MACRO_TESTS/diskperf.c
    • floppy: src/interpreter/tests/SLICING/MACRO_TESTS/floppy.c
    • cdaudio: src/interpreter/tests/SLICING/MACRO_TESTS/cdaudio.c
    • serial: src/interpreter/tests/SLICING/MACRO_TESTS/serial.c
    • fcron-2.9.5: src/interpreter/tests/SLICING/MACRO_TESTS/fcron/fcron-instrumented-sliced.c

    To run the slicer, say tracer slicer <program_name>, where <program_name> is a C program name.


Joxan Jaffar, email: