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DiplayLink (wiki)

If your computer is using a DisplayLink docking station make sure to install the displaylink driver from the AUR and systemctl enable displaylink.service.

Configure Xorg with the following section to use it with xrandr by creating the following file /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-evdidevice.conf.

Section "OutputClass"
	Identifier "DisplayLink"
	MatchDriver "evdi"
	Driver "modesetting"
	Option  "AccelMethod" "none"

Mouse Configuration

If you are using different mouse and want to apply specific configuration for each one of them, you can do that through configuration. In /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ create a new file 50-<device>.conf with the following content:

Section "InputClass"
    Identifier    "<device> Acceleration"
    MatchProduct "<device>"
    MatchDriver  "libinput"
    Option       "AccelSpeed" "0.1"

The name of your specific product can be found using xinput list and the different configuration field available with xinput list-props <deviceid>.

BIOS Drivers

Don't forget to check if any new BIOS version of the T470s BIOS are available on the Lenovo website. Download the .iso on the Lenovo website and use the geteltorito tool to extract the .img content from the iso to flash it to a USB Drive. Boot from the USB drive from the bios and start the BIOS upgrade process.

Import PGP Key from keybase in gpg

Following this blog post. This post use the keybase linux app. Import the public key in your local gpg keyring with the following command.

keybase pgp export | gpg --import

You can check the key is correctly imported with

gpg -k

Use the imported key id to import the private key in the keyring.

keybase pgp export -q <key-id> --secret | gpg --import --allow-secret-key-import

With this key you can now create a pass storage encrypted with this key.

pass init <key-id>

Key Combination


Key Combination Description
winkey + return Opens a new terminal.
winkey + d Launch lighthouse.
winkey + q Kill focused window.
winkey + h Change focus (left).
winkey + j (down).
winkey + k (up).
winkey + l (right).
winkey + shift + h Move window (left).
winkey + shift + j (down).
winkey + shift + k (up).
winkey + shift + l (right).
winkey + b Split in horizontal orientation.
winkey + v Split in vertical orientation.
winkey + f Fullscreen the current window.
winkey + s Change layout (stacked).
winkey + w (tabbed).
winkey + e (change the split).
winkey + shift + e Toggle floating window.
winkey + space Change focus between tiling and floating windows
winkey + 1 - 0 Change workspace.
winkey + shift + 1 - 0 Move currently focused window.
winkey + r Resize mode.
winkey + PrtScrn Screenshot.
winkey + shift + Volume UP.
winkey + shift + Volume DOWN.
winkey + x Change the workspace output (right).
winkey + z (left).
winkey + shift + - Make the currently focused window a scratchpad.
winkey + - Show the first scratchpad window.
winkey + shift + c Reload config file.
winkey + shift + r Restart i3.
winkey + shift + e Exit i3.


Key Combination Description
h Go backward (--).
left Go backward (-).
j Playlist next.
k Playlist previous.
l Go forward (++).
right Go forward (+).
- Volume UP.
= Volume DOWN.
a Subtitle cycle.
A Subtitle cycle (backward).
alt + W Record video.


Key Combination Description


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