Flutterwave official Angular library to accept payment via card , USSD, QrCode, Mobile Money etc.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system. See references for links to dashboard and API documentation.
Node version >= 6.9.x and npm >= 3.x.x
Angular version >= 4
Flutterwave version 3 API keys
Install the SDK
$ npm install flutterwave-angular-v3
# or
$ yarn add flutterwave-angular-v3
Import FlutterwaveModule to the app root module
import { FlutterwaveModule } from "flutterwave-angular-v3"
declarations: [
imports: [
providers: [],
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
Use as component, Method 1 : Pass in payment parameters individually as component attributes
import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {Flutterwave, InlinePaymentOptions, PaymentSuccessResponse} from "flutterwave-angular-v3"
selector: 'app-root',
template: ` <flutterwave-make-payment
text="Pay Now"
(close)="closedPaymentModal()" >
export class AppComponent{
//use your PUBLIC_KEY here
customerDetails = { name: 'Demo Customer Name', email: 'customer@mail.com', phone_number: '08100000000'}
customizations = {title: 'Customization Title', description: 'Customization Description', logo: 'https://flutterwave.com/images/logo-colored.svg'}
meta = {'counsumer_id': '7898', 'consumer_mac': 'kjs9s8ss7dd'}
constructor( private flutterwave: Flutterwave) {}
makePaymentCallback(response: PaymentSuccessResponse): void {
console.log("Pay", response);
closedPaymentModal(): void {
console.log('payment is closed');
generateReference(): string {
let date = new Date();
return date.getTime().toString();
Use as component, Method 2: Pass in the payment parameters as an object to the component 'data' attribute
import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {Flutterwave, InlinePaymentOptions, PaymentSuccessResponse} from "flutterwave-angular-v3"
selector: 'app-root',
template: ` <flutterwave-make-payment [data]="paymentData" ></flutterwave-make-payment>`
export class AppComponent{
customerDetails = { name: 'Demo Customer Name', email: 'customer@mail.com', phone_number: '08100000000'}
customizations = {title: 'Customization Title', description: 'Customization Description', logo: 'https://flutterwave.com/images/logo-colored.svg'}
meta = {'counsumer_id': '7898', 'consumer_mac': 'kjs9s8ss7dd'}
paymentData: InlinePaymentOptions = {
public_key: this.publicKey,
tx_ref: this.generateReference(),
amount: 10,
currency: 'NGN',
payment_options: 'card,ussd',
redirect_url: '',
meta: this.meta,
customer: this.customerDetails,
customizations: this.customizations,
callback: this.makePaymentCallback,
onclose: this.closedPaymentModal,
callbackContext: this
constructor( private flutterwave: Flutterwave) {}
makePaymentCallback(response: PaymentSuccessResponse): void {
console.log("Pay", response);
closedPaymentModal(): void {
console.log('payment is closed');
generateReference(): string {
let date = new Date();
return date.getTime().toString();
Use in Code, Method 1 : Using the Flutterwave service.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import {Flutterwave, InlinePaymentOptions, PaymentSuccessResponse} from "flutterwave-angular-v3";
selector: 'app-root',
template: `<button (click)="makePayment()">Pay</button>`,
export class AppComponent {
customerDetails = { name: 'Demo Customer Name', email: 'customer@mail.com', phone_number: '08100000000'}
customizations = {title: 'Customization Title', description: 'Customization Description', logo: 'https://flutterwave.com/images/logo-colored.svg'}
meta = {'counsumer_id': '7898', 'consumer_mac': 'kjs9s8ss7dd'}
paymentData: InlinePaymentOptions = {
public_key: this.publicKey,
tx_ref: this.generateReference(),
amount: 10,
currency: 'NGN',
payment_options: 'card,ussd',
redirect_url: '',
meta: this.meta,
customer: this.customerDetails,
customizations: this.customizations,
callback: this.makePaymentCallback,
onclose: this.closedPaymentModal,
callbackContext: this
//Inject the flutterwave service
constructor(private flutterwave: Flutterwave ) {
makePaymentCallback(response: PaymentSuccessResponse): void {
console.log("Payment callback", response);
closedPaymentModal(): void {
console.log('payment is closed');
Use in Code, Method 2 (Promise): Async Payment Response.
import {Component} from '@angular/core';
import {Flutterwave, AsyncPaymentOptions} from "flutterwave-angular-v3"
selector: 'app-root',
template: ` <button (click)="payViaPromise()" >Pay via Promise </button>`
export class AppComponent{
customerDetails = { name: 'Demo Customer Name', email: 'customer@mail.com', phone_number: '08100000000'}
customizations = {title: 'Customization Title', description: 'Customization Description', logo: 'https://flutterwave.com/images/logo-colored.svg'}
meta = {'counsumer_id': '7898', 'consumer_mac': 'kjs9s8ss7dd'}
paymentData : AsyncPaymentOptions = {
public_key: this.publicKey,
tx_ref: this.generateReference(),
amount: 10,
currency: 'NGN',
payment_options: 'card,ussd',
meta: this.meta,
customer: this.customerDetails,
customizations: this.customizations,
constructor( private flutterwave: Flutterwave) {}
payViaPromise() {
(response) =>{
console.log("Promise Res" , response)
generateReference(): string {
let date = new Date();
return date.getTime().toString();
- Switch to Live Mode on the Dashboard settings page
- Use the Live Public API key