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Tox 3.1 regression, ConfigError: substitution key not found #899

2 tasks done
peterjc opened this issue Jul 10, 2018 · 16 comments
2 tasks done

Tox 3.1 regression, ConfigError: substitution key not found #899

peterjc opened this issue Jul 10, 2018 · 16 comments
bug:normal affects many people or has quite an impact level:medium rought estimate that this might be neither easy nor hard to implement


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peterjc commented Jul 10, 2018

Thanks for submitting an issue!

If submitting a BUG please provide:

  • Minimal reproducible example or detailed description, assign "bug"
  • OS and pip list output

Reproducible, testing on Linux CentOS with Python via conda:

$ which python
$ python --version
Python 2.7.15
$ python -m pip list
Package                       Version    
----------------------------- -----------
absl-py                       0.1.10     
argh                          0.26.1     
asn1crypto                    0.24.0     
astor                         0.6.2      
avro                          1.8.0      
backports.functools-lru-cache 1.5        
backports.weakref             1.0rc1     
biopython                     1.68       
bleach                        1.5.0      
certifi                       2018.4.16  
cffi                          1.11.5     
chardet                       3.0.4      
codecov                       2.0.15     
conda                         4.5.5      
ConsensusCore                 1.0.2      
coverage                      4.5.1      
cryptography                  2.2.1      
cycler                        0.10.0     
Cython                        0.28.2     
decorator                     4.3.0      
enum34                        1.1.6      
funcsigs                      1.0.2      
functools32                   3.2.3.post2
future                        0.16.0     
futures                       3.2.0      
gast                          0.2.0      
GenomicConsensus              1.1.0      
grpcio                        1.11.0     
h5py                          2.7.0      
html5lib                      0.9999999  
idna                          2.6        
ipaddress                     1.0.22     
iso8601                       0.1.12     
jsonschema                    2.6.0      
Keras                         2.1.5      
kiwisolver                    1.0.1      
Mako                          1.0.7      
Markdown                      2.6.11     
MarkupSafe                    1.0        
matplotlib                    2.2.2      
mkl-fft                       1.0.2      
mkl-random                    1.0.1      
mmtf-python                   1.0.2      
mock                          2.0.0      
msgpack                       0.5.6      
msgpack-python                0.5.6      
ncbi-genome-download          0.2.6      
networkx                      1.11       
numpy                         1.14.3     
olefile                       0.45.1     
packaging                     17.1       
pandas                        0.22.0     
pathtools                     0.1.2      
pbcommand                     0.3.29     
pbcore                        1.2.10     
pbr                           4.0.2      
Pillow                        5.0.0      
pip                           10.0.1     
pluggy                        0.6.0      
protobuf                      3.5.2      
py                            1.5.4      
pycosat                       0.6.3      
pycparser                     2.18       
pygpu                         0.7.5      
pyOpenSSL                     17.5.0     
pyparsing                     2.2.0      
pypeflow                      2.0.2      
pysam                         0.14.1     
PySocks                       1.6.8      
python-dateutil               2.3        
pytz                          2017.3     
PyYAML                        3.12       
reportlab                     3.4.0      
requests                      2.13.0     
ruamel-yaml                   0.15.35    
scipy                         1.1.0      
setuptools                    39.1.0     
six                           1.11.0     
subprocess32                  3.5.1      
tensorboard                   1.6.0      
tensorflow                    1.6.0      
termcolor                     1.1.0      
Theano                        1.0.1      
tox                           3.0.0      
urllib3                       1.12       
virtualenv                    16.0.0     
watchdog                      0.8.3      
webencodings                  0.5        
Werkzeug                      0.14.1     
wheel                         0.31.0     
xmlbuilder                    1.0 

Creating test case:

$ cd /tmp
$ mkdir tox-regression
$ cd tox-regression
$ curl -L -o tox.ini

Using tox v3.0.0 works,

$ python -m pip install tox==3.0.0
$ python -m tox --version
3.0.0 imported from /mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/__init__.pyc
$ rm -rf .tox
$ python -m tox -e py27-nocov --notest
py27-nocov create: /tmp/tox-regression/.tox/py27-nocov
py27-nocov installdeps: unittest2, mysql-python, mmtf-python, reportlab, psycopg2-binary, mysql-connector-python-rf, rdflib, numpy, networkx
py27-nocov installed: aenum==1.4.5,args==0.1.0,avro==1.8.1,awscli==1.11.41,backports.lzma==0.0.1,beautifulsoup4==4.5.1,bioblend==0.10.0,biopython==1.71,boto==2.38.0,botocore==1.5.4,CacheControl==0.11.7,click==4.0,clint==0.5.1,colorama==0.3.7,configparser==3.5.0,cwltool==1.0.20170828135420,decorator==4.3.0,docutils==0.12,enum34==1.1.6,ephemeris==0.4.0,epydoc==3.0.1,falcon-kit==1.0+git.f20989451b7e6826bcedf8729ad4b56237bc8b83,flake8==3.2.1,flake8-import-order==0.11,funcsigs==0.4,futures==3.0.5,galaxy-lib==17.9.10,GenomeTools==0.1,gff3toembl==1.1.2,glob2==0.4.1,gxformat2==0.1.1,html5lib==1.0b3,isodate==0.5.4,Jinja2==2.7.3,jmespath==0.9.0,keepalive==0.5,khmer==0.4,linecache2==1.0.0,lockfile==0.12.2,lxml==3.6.4,MarkupSafe==0.23,matplotlib==1.1.1,mccabe==0.5.2,mistune==0.7.3,mmtf-python==1.0.5,mock==1.3.0,msgpack-python==0.4.8,mysql-connector-python==2.0.4,mysql-connector-python-rf==2.2.2,MySQL-python==1.2.5,networkx==2.1,nose==1.2.1,numpy==1.14.2,olefile==0.44,pandas==0.22.0,pbr==1.8.1,pep8==1.7.0,Pillow==4.1.0,pkginfo==1.3.2,planemo==0.48.0.dev0,pluggy==0.3.1,poster==0.8.1,psycopg2-binary==2.7.5,py==1.4.30,pyaml==16.11.4,pyani==,pyasn1==0.1.9,pycodestyle==2.2.0,pydablooms==0.8.2,pyflakes==1.3.0,PyGithub==1.25.2,pyparsing==2.1.5,pytest==3.0.5,python-dateutil==2.5.1,pytz==2016.3,PyYAML==3.11,rdflib==4.2.2,rdflib-jsonld==0.4.0,reportlab==3.4.0,requests==2.10.0,requests-toolbelt==0.7.0,rpy2==2.7.0,rsa==3.4.2,ruamel.ordereddict==0.4.9,ruamel.yaml==0.14.8,s3transfer==0.1.10,schema-salad==2.6.20171201034858,scipy==0.17.1,screed==0.7,seaborn==0.7.0,shellescape==3.4.1,singledispatch==,six==1.10.0,SPARQLWrapper==1.7.6,tox==2.1.1,traceback2==1.4.0,twine==1.8.1,typing==3.6.4,unittest2==1.1.0,virtualenv==13.1.2
__________________________________________________________________ summary __________________________________________________________________
  py27-nocov: skipped tests
  congratulations :)

Now trying with the latest tox,

$ python -m pip install tox==3.1.1
$ python -m tox --version
3.1.1 imported from /mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/__init__.pyc
$ rm -rf .tox
$ python -m tox -e py27-nocov --notest
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/", line 72, in _run_code
    exec code in run_globals
  File "mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 4, in <module>
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 39, in cmdline
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 44, in main
    config = prepare(args)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 26, in prepare
    config = parseconfig(args)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 246, in parseconfig
    parseini(config, inipath)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 975, in __init__
    config.envconfigs[name] = self.make_envconfig(name, section, reader._subs, config)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1012, in make_envconfig
    res = reader.getlist(, sep="\n")
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1156, in getlist
    s = self.getstring(name, None)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1218, in getstring
    x = self._replace_if_needed(x, name, replace, crossonly)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1261, in _replace_if_needed
    x = self._replace(x, name=name, crossonly=crossonly)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1248, in _replace
    replaced = Replacer(self, crossonly=crossonly).do_replace(value)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1289, in do_replace
    expanded = substitute_once(value)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1287, in substitute_once
    return self.RE_ITEM_REF.sub(self._replace_match, x)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1330, in _replace_match
    return self._replace_substitution(match)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1365, in _replace_substitution
    val = self._substitute_from_other_section(sub_key)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1359, in _substitute_from_other_section
    raise tox.exception.ConfigError("substitution key {!r} not found".format(key))
tox.exception.ConfigError: ConfigError: substitution key 'py27' not found

Interestingly trying to use the other Python versions, e.g. py36, also gives this warning about py27,

$ python -m tox -e py36-nocov --notest
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/", line 174, in _run_module_as_main
    "__main__", fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "/mnt/shared/scratch/xxx/apps/conda/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tox/", line 1359, in _substitute_from_other_section
    raise tox.exception.ConfigError("substitution key {!r} not found".format(key))
tox.exception.ConfigError: ConfigError: substitution key 'py27' not found

Note there is no explicit usage of baseversion in this configuration file, which starts:

minversion = 2.0
skipsdist = True
envlist =

# TODO: Try tox default sdist based install instead:
skip_install = True
sitepackages = True
passenv =
whitelist_externals =
# Want to avoid overhead of compiling numpy or scipy:
# (But must compile numpy for PyPy right now)
install_command = pip install --only-binary=scipy {opts} {packages}
deps =
    #Lines startings xxx: are filtered by the environment.
    #Leaving py34 without any soft dependencies (just numpy)
    cover: coverage
    cover: codecov
    {py27}: unittest2
    {py27}: mysql-python
    {py27,py36}: mmtf-python
    {py27,py35}: reportlab
    {py27,py34,py35,py36}: psycopg2-binary
    {py27,py34,py35,py35}: mysql-connector-python-rf
    {py27,py35,pypy}: rdflib
    {pypy,pypy3}: numpy==1.12.1
    {py27,py34,py36}: numpy
    {py36}: scipy
    {py27}: networkx
    {py36}: matplotlib
commands =
    #The bash call is a work around for special characters
    #The /dev/null is to hide the verbose output but leave warnings
    bash -c \'python install > /dev/null\'
    #The bash call is a work around for the cd command
    nocov: bash -c \'cd Tests && python --offline\'
    #See and
    cover: bash -c \'rm -rf Tests/coverage.xml\'
    cover: bash -c \'cd Tests && coverage run --offline && coverage xml\'
    cover: codecov --file Tests/coverage.xml -X pycov -X gcov


I suspect it is linked to how we have environments py27-nocov and py27-cover setup (and likewise for the other versions) to define testing with and without coverage tracking, both using py27 for their dependencies.

@gaborbernat gaborbernat added bug:normal affects many people or has quite an impact level:medium rought estimate that this might be neither easy nor hard to implement labels Jul 10, 2018
@gaborbernat gaborbernat added this to the 3.1 milestone Jul 10, 2018
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hello @peterjc thanks for the report will look into it 👍

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gaborbernat commented Jul 10, 2018

it seems the factor expansion is broken, is threated as substitution instead, mvp:

envlist = {py27, py37}-cover
deps = {py27}: lib
       {py36}: lib

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gaborbernat commented Jul 10, 2018

Seems like a side effect of the feature #772. The problem is that {py27} in that context can signal both substitution and a factor. Note:

envlist = {py27, py37}-cover
deps = py27: lib
       py36: lib

would work.

peterjc added a commit to peterjc/biopython that referenced this issue Jul 10, 2018
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peterjc commented Jul 10, 2018

Thank you :)

Removing the curly brackets in the deps = section does seem to work with a limited test locally - I have started a full test on TravisCI.

Is the space after the comma in the envlist = {py27, py37}-cover important or just stylistic?

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peterjc commented Jul 10, 2018

Your suggestion works for me - I'll leave this issue open as I am unclear if you consider this a tox bug or not. Thank you.

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The space in between those is important. It signifies a factor expression; e.g. you want py27-cover,py37-cover but you don't want to repeat the cover that many time so you did {py27, py37}-cover. You could also it even shorter py-{27,37}-cover. In this case you would use 27.

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gaborbernat commented Jul 10, 2018

For now, I would say, it's a won't fix as in our documentation and examples don't encourage this. Let's think this through and see if anyone reports this.

peterjc added a commit to peterjc/biopython that referenced this issue Jul 11, 2018
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ssbarnea commented Jul 12, 2018

This is a critical regression in tox as I am starting to get lots of build failures due to it. Can you please hide the new release from pypi until we find a way to avoid it?

When it comes to the scale of this issue, I believe that this is likely to break a 5 digit number of python packages (glad not all are building master daily).

I didn't had time to do a wild grep but I think that at least ⅓ python packages usign tox.ini are likely to encounter this.

Apparently the workaround is to add spaces after commas inside tox.ini expandable list of environments.

# broken:
    {py27,venv,cover,docs,pep8}: python2
# working:
    {py27, venv, cover, docs, pep8}: python2

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@ssbarnea if will not fail if you remove the single {py35}. Technically you could drop all {} from the per environment specification.

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gaborbernat commented Jul 12, 2018

Also trying to figure this out but where did you read you need the {}? In our documentation I can see without it and only in factor expressions I see it, see

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obestwalter commented Jul 12, 2018

I feel obliged to channel the original author @hpk42 here and I am pretty sure that he would say that this is a regression that breaks backwards compatibility without warning the user, so should be fixed. The reason that I tend to be on the very conservative side regarding changes in tox is exactly this one. When we break something, we break thousands of CI builds and cause a lot of friction for a lot of people. Most people using tox are not madly interested in new features - they just want their builds to work. If we now start discussing with users whether we should fix a regression we unknowinlgy introduced, I could imagine that this decreases trust in the project and its maintainers.

I am open to discussing our approach to these things in the future, but right now I think this bug should be fixed - especially because the thrown error is not really helpful for the user.

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As true may be this would mean reverting 772. I don't see an easy fix other than revert here.

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I think reverting this and make a quick bugfix release will be the best idea for now then.

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Feel free to go ahead with it then, sadly I'm on my holiday and without computer until Tuesday.

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I will prepare a bugfix release within the next hours.

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Tested with 3.1.2 just now. Fixed.

brandoninvergo pushed a commit to brandoninvergo/biopython that referenced this issue Jul 17, 2018
DmytroLitvinov referenced this issue in DmytroLitvinov/kuna Aug 6, 2018

### Update [pip]( from **10.0.1** to **18.0**.

   ### 18.0


- Switch to a Calendar based versioning scheme.
- Formally document our deprecation process as a minimum of 6 months of deprecation
- Adopt and document NEWS fragment writing style.
- Switch to releasing a new, non bug fix version of pip every 3 months.

Deprecations and Removals

- Remove the legacy format from pip list. (3651, 3654)
- Dropped support for Python 3.3. (3796)
- Remove support for cleaning up egg fragment postfixes. (4174)
- Remove the shim for the old location. (5520)

  For the past 2 years, it&#39;s only been redirecting users to use the newer location.


- Introduce a new --prefer-binary flag, to prefer older wheels over newer source packages. (3785)
- Improve autocompletion function on file name completion after options
  which have ``&lt;file&gt;``, ``&lt;dir&gt;`` or ``&lt;path&gt;`` as metavar. (4842, 5125)
- Add support for installing PEP 518 build dependencies from source. (5229)
- Improve status message when upgrade is skipped due to only-if-needed strategy. (5319)

Bug Fixes

- Update pip&#39;s self-check logic to not use a virtualenv specific file and honor cache-dir. (3905)
- Remove compiled pyo files for wheel packages. (4471)
- Speed up printing of newly installed package versions. (5127)
- Restrict install time dependency warnings to directly-dependant packages. (5196, 5457)

  Warning about the entire package set has resulted in users getting confused as
  to why pip is printing these warnings.
- Improve handling of PEP 518 build requirements: support environment markers and extras. (5230, 5265)
- Remove username/password from log message when using index with basic auth. (5249)
- Remove trailing os.sep from PATH directories to avoid false negatives. (5293)
- Fix &quot;pip wheel pip&quot; being blocked by the &quot;don&#39;t use pip to modify itself&quot; check. (5311, 5312)
- Disable pip&#39;s version check (and upgrade message) when installed by a different package manager. (5346)

  This works better with Linux distributions where pip&#39;s upgrade message may
  result in users running pip in a manner that modifies files that should be
  managed by the OS&#39;s package manager.
- Check for file existence and unlink first when clobbering existing files during a wheel install. (5366)
- Improve error message to be more specific when no files are found as listed in as listed in PKG-INFO. (5381)
- Always read ``pyproject.toml`` as UTF-8. This fixes Unicode handling on Windows and Python 2. (5482)
- Fix a crash that occurs when PATH not set, while generating script location warning. (5558)
- Disallow packages with ``pyproject.toml`` files that have an empty build-system table. (5627)

Vendored Libraries

- Update CacheControl to 0.12.5.
- Update certifi to 2018.4.16.
- Update distro to 1.3.0.
- Update idna to 2.7.
- Update ipaddress to 1.0.22.
- Update pkg_resources to 39.2.0 (via setuptools).
- Update progress to 1.4.
- Update pytoml to 0.1.16.
- Update requests to 2.19.1.
- Update urllib3 to 1.23.

Improved Documentation

- Document how to use pip with a proxy server. (512, 5574)
- Document that the output of pip show is in RFC-compliant mail header format. (5261)


  - PyPI:
  - Changelog:
  - Homepage:

### Update [tox]( from **3.0.0** to **3.1.3**.

   ### 3.1.2


- Revert &quot;Fix bug with incorrectly defactorized dependencies (`772 &lt;;`_)&quot; due to a regression (`(799) &lt;;`_) - by :user:`obestwalter`
   ### 3.1.1


- PyPi documentation for ``3.1.0`` is broken. Added test to check for this, and
  fix it by :user:`gaborbernat`. (`879
   ### 3.1.0


- Add ``ignore_basepython_conflict``, which determines whether conflicting
  ``basepython`` settings for environments containing default factors, such as
  ``py27`` or ``django18-py35``, should be ignored or result in warnings. This
  was a common source of misconfiguration and is rarely, if ever, desirable from
  a user perspective - by :user:`stephenfin` (`477 &lt;;`_)
- Fix bug with incorrectly defactorized dependencies (deps passed to pip were not de-factorized) - by :user:`bartsanchez` (`706 &lt;;`_)


- Add support for multiple PyPy versions using default factors. This allows you
  to use, for example, ``pypy27`` knowing that the correct intepreter will be
  used by default - by :user:`stephenfin` (`19 &lt;;`_)
- Add support to explicitly invoke interpreter directives for environments with
  long path lengths. In the event that ``tox`` cannot invoke scripts with a
  system-limited shebang (e.x. a Linux host running a Jenkins Pipeline), a user
  can set the environment variable ``TOX_LIMITED_SHEBANG`` to workaround the
  system&#39;s limitation (e.x. ``export TOX_LIMITED_SHEBANG=1``) - by :user:`jdknight` (`794 &lt;;`_)
- introduce a constants module to be used internally and as experimental API - by :user:`obestwalter` (`798 &lt;;`_)
- Make ``py2`` and ``py3`` aliases also resolve via ``py`` on windows by :user:`asottile`. This enables the following things:
  ``tox -e py2`` and ``tox -e py3`` work on windows (they already work on posix); and setting ``basepython=python2`` or ``basepython=python3`` now works on windows. (`856 &lt;;`_)
- Replace the internal version parsing logic from the not well tested `PEP-386 &lt;;`_ parser for the more general `PEP-440 &lt;;`_. `packaging &gt;= 17.1 &lt;;`_ is now an install dependency by :user:`gaborbernat`. (`860 &lt;;`_)


- extend the plugin documentation and make lot of small fixes and improvements - by :user:`obestwalter` (`797 &lt;;`_)
- tidy up tests - remove unused fixtures, update old cinstructs, etc. - by :user:`obestwalter` (`799 &lt;;`_)
- Various improvements to documentation: open browser once documentation generation is done, show Github/Travis info on documentation page, remove duplicate header for changelog, generate unreleased news as DRAFT on top of changelog, make the changelog page more compact and readable (width up to 1280px) by :user:`gaborbernat` (`859 &lt;;`_)


- filter out unwanted files in package - by :user:`obestwalter` (`754 &lt;;`_)
- make the already existing implicit API explicit - by :user:`obestwalter` (`800 &lt;;`_)
- improve tox quickstart and corresponding tests - by :user:`obestwalter` (`801 &lt;;`_)
- tweak codecov settings via .codecov.yml - by :user:`obestwalter` (`802 &lt;;`_)


  - PyPI:
  - Changelog:
  - Docs:

### Update [Sphinx]( from **1.7.5** to **1.7.6**.

   ### 1.7.6


Incompatible changes


Features added

Bugs fixed

* 5037: LaTeX ``\sphinxupquote{}`` breaks in Russian
* sphinx.testing uses deprecated pytest API; ``Node.get_marker(name)``
* 5016: crashed when recommonmark.AutoStrictify is enabled
* 5022: latex: crashed with docutils package provided by Debian/Ubuntu
* 5009: latex: a label for table is vanished if table does not have a caption
* 5048: crashed with numbered toctree
* 2410: C, render empty argument lists for macros.
* C++, fix lookup of full template specializations with no template arguments.
* 4667: C++, fix assertion on missing references in global scope when using
  intersphinx. Thanks to Alan M. Carroll.
* 5019: autodoc: crashed by Form Feed Character
* 5032: autodoc: loses the first staticmethod parameter for old styled classes
* 5036: quickstart: Typing Ctrl-U clears the whole of line
* 5066: html: &quot;relations&quot; sidebar is not shown by default
* 5091: latex: curly braces in index entries are not handled correctly
* 5070: epub: Wrong internal href fragment links
* 5104: apidoc: Interface of ``sphinx.apidoc:main()`` has changed
* 5076: napoleon raises RuntimeError with python 3.7
* 5125: sphinx-build: Interface of ``sphinx:main()`` has changed
* sphinx-build: ```` refers ``sys.argv`` instead of given
* 5146: autosummary: warning is emitted when the first line of docstring ends
  with literal notation
* autosummary: warnings of autosummary indicates wrong location (refs: 5146)
* 5143: autodoc: crashed on inspecting dict like object which does not support



  - PyPI:
  - Changelog:
  - Homepage:

### Update [cryptography]( from **2.2.2** to **2.3**.

   ### 2.3

  allowed tag truncation by default which can allow tag forgery in some cases.
  The method now enforces the ``min_tag_length`` provided to the
  :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.ciphers.modes.GCM` constructor.
* Added support for Python 3.7.
* Added :meth:`~cryptography.fernet.Fernet.extract_timestamp` to get the
  authenticated timestamp of a :doc:`Fernet &lt;/fernet&gt;` token.
* Support for Python 2.7.x without ``hmac.compare_digest`` has been deprecated.
  We will require Python 2.7.7 or higher (or 2.7.6 on Ubuntu) in the next
  ``cryptography`` release.
* Fixed multiple issues preventing ``cryptography`` from compiling against
  LibreSSL 2.7.x.
* Added
  for quick serial number searches in CRLs.
* The :class:`~cryptography.x509.RelativeDistinguishedName` class now
  preserves the order of attributes. Duplicate attributes now raise an error
  instead of silently discarding duplicates.
* :func:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.keywrap.aes_key_unwrap` and
  now raise :class:`~cryptography.hazmat.primitives.keywrap.InvalidUnwrap` if
  the wrapped key is an invalid length, instead of ``ValueError``.

.. _v2-2-2:


  - PyPI:
  - Changelog:
  - Repo:

### Update [PyYAML]( from **3.12** to **3.13**.

*The bot wasn't able to find a changelog for this release. [Got an idea?](*

  - PyPI:
  - Homepage:
bartsanchez added a commit to bartsanchez/tox that referenced this issue Oct 14, 2018
New version with improved changes, fixing errors raised
with the previous version:

bartsanchez added a commit to bartsanchez/tox that referenced this issue Oct 14, 2018
New version with improved changes, fixing errors raised
with the previous version:

bartsanchez added a commit to bartsanchez/tox that referenced this issue Oct 14, 2018
New version with improved changes, fixing errors raised
with the previous version:

bartsanchez added a commit to bartsanchez/tox that referenced this issue Oct 14, 2018
New version with improved changes, fixing errors raised
with the previous version:

bartsanchez added a commit to bartsanchez/tox that referenced this issue Oct 20, 2018
New version with improved changes, fixing errors raised
with the previous version:

bartsanchez added a commit to bartsanchez/tox that referenced this issue Oct 20, 2018
New version with improved changes, fixing errors raised
with the previous version:

bartsanchez added a commit to bartsanchez/tox that referenced this issue Oct 20, 2018
New version with improved changes, fixing errors raised
with the previous version:

gaborbernat pushed a commit that referenced this issue Oct 21, 2018
New version with improved changes, fixing errors raised with the previous version:

@tox-dev tox-dev locked and limited conversation to collaborators Jan 14, 2021
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bug:normal affects many people or has quite an impact level:medium rought estimate that this might be neither easy nor hard to implement
None yet

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4 participants