1.1.0 (2023-06-04)
bump version, fix that gameplayData can't be updated, add dumb page for static, add configuration file creation (3734b39 )
fix PP issues, add instancesManager, and process health checker (acfbf61 )
update (6139d7f )
Bug Fixes
add another temp crutch (c520270 )
add husky/better prettier configuration/fix menumods for gameplay in api result (13acf77 )
add MP3Length condition to update graph (d444281 )
change dist build (118974e )
change std graph type for now (841f0bd )
ci (ab97736 )
ci artifact naming (0a3521f )
compile memory lib? (431d0fa )
different Songs folder (6e4cb1b )
display DT instead of NCDT (c5b9fd1 )
double flashlight (82b08ca )
dynamic link fix (e99a422 )
explaining this part (d9f3385 )
fix incorrect if fc pp (46c498d )
fix potential freezes and remove unnecessary beatmap data update (10529a2 )
fix score for ScoreV2 mod (f9ad93c )
fix websockets (cb80894 )
fixed not updating gamemode in menu (880b9d6 )
getState undefined (a86a1b8 )
secure from NaN, Infinity (8766781 )
yes (e96c199 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.