author: Tobias Schoch
A rasperry pi application for tracking persons and with a camera and sending statistics to MQTT
- included join process for gracefull stop
- fixed smaller bugs and updated to the facerec tracker callbacks refactoring
- use password
- added last will
- used callback for identification in separate thread
- added example conf for service
- added retaining
- improved mqtt topics
- read DOCKER_HOSTNAME for hostname
- included heartbeat and image publish
- switch to arm alpine for the cache plugin
- remove the arm for plugins
- try withouth mount
- try to use plugins on linux-arm
- add priviledged mode
- added logging to slots
- add drone cache
- test for amr docker plugin
- fixe newline
- fixed the image in docker step
- updated to multiarch ci/cd
- working on rpi3b+
- test that should work on rpi
- use base image with opencv
- working on picamera but sooooo slow
- added a mqtt module that connects on request only
- first tests on drone.yml
- updated to facerec v0.1.0
- add requirements
- opencv version logging to mqtt working
- update readme
- base raspi image and facerec dep
- initial version
clone the repo:
git clone
build the docker image
docker build . -t shocki/dietzitrack
run a container of the image note the explicit declaration of the camera device
docker run -d --rm --name track --device /dev/video0 shocki/dietzitrack
As devices in swarm deploys are not yet supported by docker. The docker-compose.yml
yet be used.