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ToplingDB Branch Name Convention

rockeet edited this page Apr 24, 2023 · 6 revisions

We added many features and enhancements to RocksDB, but we realize these goals in a minimum code change way, thus minimum the test efforts and evolve with upstream RocksDB over time.

Periodically, we merges ToplingDB changes to upstream RocksDB, because our changes are much less than upstream between different version.

Our code changes are designed to be minimal different to upstream RocksDB, merge by this way minimize change conflicts.

We names ToplingDB branch name in a consistency way, let us list all ToplingDB branches:

git branch | grep sideplugin
+ sideplugin-7.06.0-2022-07-26-84e9b6ee
* sideplugin-7.10.0-2022-12-21-bec42648

Now we disassembler the branch name(Bold is active branch):

sideplugin Version Date Hash
sideplugin 6.20.3 2021-05-05 8608d75d
sideplugin 6.22.0 2021-07-06 714ce504
sideplugin 6.24.0 2021-09-04 e8eb0214
sideplugin 6.25.3 2021-10-14 0103296f
sideplugin 6.26.0 2021-11-04 28bab0ef
sideplugin 6.28.0 2021-12-30 677d2b4a
sideplugin 7.01.0 2022-03-28 a5e51305
sideplugin 7.04.0 2022-06-10 415200d7
sideplugin 7.06.0 2022-07-26 84e9b6ee
sideplugin 7.10.0 2022-12-21 bec42648

Each part of branch names:

Part Description
Version Upstream RocksDB version, Major.Minor.Patch, Minor use 2 digit, such as 01, 04, 06, 10, thus branch list can be pretty sorted
Date Date of the lastest upstream RocksDB commit for this ToplingDB branch
Hash Hash of the lastest upstream RocksDB commit for this ToplingDB branch

We can get Date by git branch <Hash>, but that's vebose, we copy Date to branch name for straight forward.

The Hash part identify the base version of upstream RocksDB, with Hash, we can easily compare with upstream by:

git diff -w <Hash>