Web app for Scrapyd cluster management, Scrapy log analysis & visualization, Auto packaging, Timer tasks, Monitor & Alert, and Mobile UI. DEMO 👉
Jan 19, 2025 - Python
In computing, logging is the act of keeping a log of events that occur in a computer system, such as problems, errors or just information on current operations.
Web app for Scrapyd cluster management, Scrapy log analysis & visualization, Auto packaging, Timer tasks, Monitor & Alert, and Mobile UI. DEMO 👉
A machine learning toolkit for log parsing [ICSE'19, DSN'16]
advertools - online marketing productivity and analysis tools
LogAI - An open-source library for log analytics and intelligence
Wazuh - Ruleset
log anomaly detection toolkit including DeepLog
Open Source SIEM (Security Information and Event Management system).
Log-based impactful problem identification using machine learning [FSE'18]
Log-based Anomaly Detection with Deep Learning: How Far Are We? (ICSE 2022, Technical Track)
IWQoS 2017: A toolkit for log template extraction
Machine learning algorithms applied on log analysis to detect intrusions and suspicious activities.
CLI utility and Python module for analyzing log files and other data.
ThreatSeeker: Threat Hunting via Windows Event Logs
Build your own log analytics platform on OpenSearch in 20 minutes
This tool parses log data and allows to define analysis pipelines for anomaly detection. It was designed to run the analysis with limited resources and lowest possible permissions to make it suitable for production server use.
Accurately forecast log costs pre-production with Cortisol for Datadog, New Relic, Grafana and GCP Cloud Logging 💰📉
Very basic CLI SIEM (Security Information and Event Management system).
Machine learning algorithms to detect anomalies in unstructured logs
BeatLog parses NGINX reverse proxy and fail2ban logs into readable tables and reports. Use BeatLog to assess server traffic and tailor fail2ban filters.
A Real-time Apache log monitor using Kafka & Spark Streaming, with fake log generator.