- Download the docker image from [https://mynbox.nus.edu.sg/u/vETX5anE1_GuRNfB/ac7a0cb7-3c49-4b0d-91c1-8deaf0244862?l]
- For Windows, navigate to the download folder, and launch powershell and import the image as follows
docker load -i docker_image_mongo.tar
- Launch a container from this image using
docker run -p 3000:3000 -p 5000:5000 -p 8000:8000 --name it5007-2220 -dit it5007_tutorial:t4 bash
- Use VSCode (with Docker plugin installed) to i) start the container and ii) attach shell to the container.
- Download the skeleton code for the tutorial
- Using Git clone:
cd /home
- $
git clone https://github.com/pkarthik88/IT5007-Lecture5.git
- Using Git clone:
cd /home/It5007-Lecture5/
from VSCode shell and work on the problem. You can also use the File navigation to browse to the file location and open the files inside the container.- As usual, the first step in any newly downloaded repository is to run
npm install
to install dependencies. - Compilation:
npm run compile
- Execution: As usual, you can run the code using
npm start
. This will start the express server that serves webpages to users.
- Copy the files over from your laptop to the docker container using the windows powershell command:
docker cp <windows path where the file is present> it5007-2220:/home/
- For copying files in reverse direction, switch the file order in above command.