UNAVSA members who embrace Technology & Entrepreneurship.
- Stephen Nguyen
- Hop Alex Hoang
- Tommy Tran
- Tony Lam
- You must edit yourself into this Readme.
- In return we will add you as a contributor to this group and let you join the facebook group.
- Once added to group you are an equal contributor to ideas and changes to the direction of this group.
To add the following in this format and submit a pull request(request to merge a change into this document).
if you don't know how to use github edit this file by clicking on the pencil. and use http://dillinger.io/ if you have trouble with markdown syntax.
- What do you love about technology
- What are you looking for out of this group.
- You decide what you want to put in #3
- The ability to build and solve real lasting problems through engineering.
- Looking to connect with people who want to relocate to SF and want to learn more engineering skills.
- I made this group so we can foster more engineering and entrepreneurial talent in UNAVSA through networking and exchange of ideas. <3 UNAVSA and <3 technology
- Being able to build and create things that make an impact in our lives.
- Looking to replace myself from the IT role in UNAVSA.
- Like Stephen, I want UNAVSA to foster more engineering and entrepreneurial talent. I want to show our constituents that we have a lot to offer, starting with what I know and love doing.
- Just how it can help humanity and how it constantly evolves.
- Learning valuble skills to enhance my knowledge about various subjects. :D
- I cant wait to learn from you guys! :D
- Constant changes to better humanity.
- Looking to connect with people to develop their skills and abilities.
- I wish this group was created before so that we can help foster the develop of people interested in technology and design.