Adds a configurable delay before showing your auto hidden taskbar.
I have an OLED monitor and I run with an auto hidden taskbar to help prevent screen burn-in. When interacting with UI elements near the bottom of an app, I've found the behavior where the taskbar shows itself instantly to be quite annoying.
- Supports Windows 11 (possibly others, haven't tested)
- Supports StartAllBack [link]
- Configurable height, minimum 1 pixel for hover detection
- Transparent only mode
- Toggle between transparent mode and any color overlay you want with a configurable hotkey
Transparent only
#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#Include <ahk-taskbaroverseer\taskbarOverseer>
Toggle between transparent and red color mode with Ctrl + t
TaskbarOverseer(1, "FF0000", "^t")
Uses the alternate taskbar detection method
TaskbarOverseer(, , , 2)
These values are configurable at the top of the class
HOVER_DELAY := 500 ;the amount of time in milliseconds before the taskbar will unhide
HEIGHT := 7 ;the height of the taskbar overlay, recommended values: 1-10ish, personal preference / resolution dependant
MOUSE_INTERVAL := 100 ;the interval in milliseconds where we capture current mouse position, you can probably leave this alone
RECREATE_DELAY := 750 ;the amount of time in milliseconds after the taskbar autohides before we recreate the taskbar overseer