A django_productline feature integrating schnipp-js.
Hooks the schnipp-js javascript framework into your media_includes.html
and provides
a model to schnippform schema translation which generates a form schema from your django model.
pip install - e git+https://github.com/tonimichel/djpl-schnippjs.git#djpl-schnippjs.git
Let's consider a simple example. Imagine your project consists of a News feature providing a News
model. The frontend is fully javascript. As we need a programmtic form api and some MVC in our frontend code
we decide to use schnippjs. Instead of declaring the form schema manually we just can convert our models to a schnippform
schema and pass them to the template.
from django.shortcuts import render
from schnippjs.schnippforms import converter
from testproduct.models import News, Category
import json
def myview(request, id):
n = News.objects.get(pk=id)
form_schema = converter.form_for_model(n, fields=['name', 'category', 'teaser'], name='myform')
form_context = converter.object_to_context(n)
return render(request, 'testing.html', {
'schema': json.dumps(form_schema),
'context': json.dumps(form_context)
$(function() {
var form = schnipp.dynforms.form({{ schema|safe }}, {{ context|safe }});
Take a look at the testproduct in products/testproduct
for a complete example.