Feature: Add support for FSE styling
Feature: Improve dynamic select components performance
Feature: Add necessary filters and actions for ACF integration in GB Pro
Fix: Missing styling when blocks added outside content
Fix: Missing styling for blocks within loop content
Fix: Removing icons without text does not display text back again
Fix: "Sticky posts only" not displaying correctly in the frontend
Fix: Pass dynamic container link to settings variable
Fix: Color picker behavior when manually changing value
Fix: Missing legacy alpha color slider in gradient component if set to 0
Fix: Remove gb-*-text class from dynamic blocks with icons
Fix: Dynamic content conflict with icons and custom classes
Fix: Missing legacy alpha color slider in gradient component
Tweak: Enqueue inline embedding stylesheet using wp_enqueue_scripts
Tweak: Remove block-editor-block-list__block class from root wrapper
Tweak: Headline transform to core Heading keep the level
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