A Tanstack router fork with an improved useBlocker
- 100% TypeSafe
- Route Defs
- Navigation
- Relative Navigation
- Search Params
- Path Params
- Loaders
- 1st Class Search Params
- Schemas + Validation
- Parsing + Serialization
- Immutable
- Structural Sharing
- Pre/Post Processing
- Built-in Caching
- Stale-While-Revalidate
- Max-Age
- Auto Garbage Collection
- Invalidation
- Prefetching
- Automatic Prefetching
- Transitions
- Error Boundaries
- Code Splitting
- Layout Routes
- Easy Integration w/ external caches and storage (eg. React Query, Apollo, SWR, RTKQuery)
- Top tier navigation blocking
In your package.json
"@tanstack/react-router": "npm:@betterblockingrouter/react-router@1.88.0",
Then you are good to go!
To run example React projects with Tanstack Router, see CONTRIBUTING.md