Native AI for BAR
Install into the Spring Engine in the following location: ..your install path/Spring/Engine/[your latest engine version]/AI/Skirmish/
It's case sensitive and should be named exactly like this ^
When you play/use this engine, you are able to select this awesome Native AI for BAR.
BARbarIAn works best with SpringLobby, so please get this if you don't already have it.
- First join an online battleroom to automatically download the latest engine-version.
- Check which version this is while downloading or go to your spring install folder (Windows default is DRIVE:/User.../Documents/My Games/Spring/engine/)
- You'll find your latest engine version with the last 4 digits (f.e. 104.0.1-1551-g55f31b1 maintenance)
- You need to download the 64-bit engine of this same version from
- Get the win or linux 64 bit version - usually the ...64-minimal-portable.7z is the best/easiest way (you need a unzipper/7z programm to unpack it)
- Unpack this 64-bit file in a separate folder, next to the 32-bit version in Spring/engine/
- Then open the 64-bit folder and select all, except unitsync.dll, and copy everything over into the existing 32-bit folder
- Remove/delete the 64-bit folder
- (re)Start Springlobby, which should work the same Now you have the 64-bit (latest) engine version, which quite possibly will increase your in-game performance as well
You're not there yet. You need to get the latest BARbarIAn file and put this inside the engine folder (the 'upgraded 32»64bit folder)
- Download the latest BARbarIAn from Github:
- Instructions are on Git as well, but you need to extract the 0.4 (or higher) version folder, into the following folder in /Spring/engine/[your latest upgraded 32»64bit engine folder]/AI/Skirmish/here
- (re)Start Springlobby - now go to skirmish, be sure the latest engine version is selected
- You can now add (as many) BARbarIAn AI's to your game as you want!