A DNS sinkhole server that iteratively resolves any request for domains that not included in a given list of domains to block
The server is listening on port 5300 🠊
The server receives a DNS request from a client 🠊
The server checks if the domain name that needs to be resolved is specified in the blocklist file. If yes, return an error response 🠊
The server sends the request to a random root server 🠊
The server received a response from the random root server 🠊
Until there is no answer, the server sends a request to the next DNS server. The name of the next DNS server is extracted from the authority section of the last response 🠊
Send the final response to the client
Download the project.
Build the project using the follow command:
$ javac -d out/ -Xlint src/il/ac/idc/cs/sinkhole/*.java
Run the server using the following command:
$ java -cp out il.ac.idc.cs.sinkhole.SinkholeServer
or if you want that the server will use a block list file called blocklist.txt:
$ java -cp out il.ac.idc.cs.sinkhole.SinkholeServer blocklist.txt
- Supports reading compressed data according to RFC 1035 section 4.1.4
- Supports a valid DNS query of type A only
- Implements a query timeout of 5 seconds, so for example if a root server doesn’t respond, the server will cancel the query and advance to the next one
- The block list file is a text file containing one valid domain name to block per line. You can view an example file in the root directory of the project
- The project was tested with Java 11