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Manage your BOUT++ runs through python


BOUT Runners is a package to manage and orchestrate your BOUT++ runs. More specifically it's a tool:

  • That automatically makes your project
  • Where you can override default parameters, and parameters found in BOUT.inp
  • Where you can submit a single run, or even a chain of runs either locally, or to a cluster
  • That automatically stores parameters and other metadata in a database (inspired by sacred)
  • Logs the entire process

Read the full documentation at ReadTheDocs

Getting Started

The simplest way to use BOUT Runners is by executing the following script in the root of your project directory (usually where your Makefile resides). In this example we are using BOUT-dev/examples/conduction as the root

from bout_runners.runner.bout_runner import BoutRunner

The metadata from all the runs from this project can be found by executing

from bout_runners.metadata.status_checker import StatusChecker
status_checker = StatusChecker()
from bout_runners.metadata.metadata_reader import MetadataReader
metadata_reader = MetadataReader()
metadata = metadata_reader.get_all_metadata()

The metadata variable is a DataFrame, and contains the following table run.latest_status run.start_time run.stop_time run.submitted_time all_boundaries.evolve_bndry conduction.chi file_modification.bout_git_sha file_modification.bout_lib_modified file_modification.project_executable_modified file_modification.project_git_sha file_modification.project_makefile_modified global.append global.async_send global.datadir global.dump_format global.dump_on_restart global.incintshear global.mxg global.myg global.non_uniform global.nout global.optionfile global.periodicx global.restart global.restart_format global.settingsfile global.stopcheck global.timestep global.twistshift global.wall_limit global.zmax global.zmin input.transform_from_field_aligned mesh.calcparallelslices_on_communicate mesh.dy mesh.extrapolate_x mesh.extrapolate_y mesh.ixseps1 mesh.ixseps2 mesh.maxregionblocksize mesh.nx mesh.ny mesh.paralleltransform mesh.staggergrids mesh.symmetricglobalx mesh.symmetricglobaly mesh.type mesh_ddz.fft_filter output.enabled output.floats output.flush output.flushfrequency output.guards output.init_missing output.openclose output.parallel output.shiftinput output.shiftoutput restart.enabled restart.floats restart.flush restart.flushfrequency restart.guards restart.init_missing restart.openclose restart.parallel restart.shiftinput restart.shiftoutput solver.adams_moulton solver.atol solver.cvode_max_order solver.cvode_stability_limit_detection solver.diagnose solver.func_iter solver.is_nonsplit_model_diffusive solver.max_timestep solver.maxl solver.min_timestep solver.mms solver.mms_initialise solver.monitor_timestep solver.mxorder solver.mxstep solver.nout solver.output_step solver.rtol solver.start_timestep solver.type solver.use_jacobian solver.use_precon solver.use_vector_abstol split.number_of_nodes split.number_of_processors split.processors_per_node system_info.machine system_info.node system_info.processor system_info.release system_info.system system_info.version t.bndry_all t.evolve_bndry t.function t.scale
0 1 complete 2020-06-09_07-14-39_981268 2020-06-09 07:14:53 2020-06-09 07:14:56 2020-06-09 07:14:52.943486 0 1.0 22c888152e49003c34723a2638504aabc25d87ba 2020-02-03 20:03:02.000000 2020-06-09 07:14:39.631118 22c888152e49003c34723a2638504aabc25d87ba 2020-02-03 19:48:41.000000 0 0 /root/bout-dev/examples/conduction/settings_run nc 1 0 0 2 1 0 bout.inp 0 0 nc bout.settings 0 0.1 0 -1 1 0 1 1 0.2 0 0 -1 -1 64 1 100 1 identity 0 1 1 bout 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1e-12 -1 0 0 0 1 -1 5 -1 0 0 0 -1 500 0 0.1 1e-05 -1 cvode 0 0 0 1 1 1 x86_64 0f17950a0dcc   4.19.76-linuxkit Linux #1 SMP Tue May 26 11:42:35 UTC 2020 dirichlet_o4(0.0) 0 gauss(y-pi, 0.2) 1.0



The package can be installed from pip

pip install bout-runners

Or from source

python install

After installation you can optionally call


in order to setup the path to your BOUT++ installation and to configure other parameters like logging.

Running the tests

The test suite can be executed through pytest or through codecov pytest-cov. Installation through

pip install pytest


pip install codecov pytest-cov

and run with



pytest --cov=./



Please read CONTRIBUTING.rst for details about how to contribute.


  • Michael Løiten - Initial work

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE - see the LICENSE file for details

licence status



Manage your BOUT++ runs through python







No packages published


  • Python 98.0%
  • Dockerfile 1.7%
  • Other 0.3%