This software should be able to configure a MacAudio Reference 2.1 DSP amplifier. The software provided with the DSP is fairly limited. Notable limitations are:
- the lack of Linkwitz-Riley crossover filters, or indeed any type of crossover other than butterworth.
- There is no way to link two channels together to adjust EQ/delay etc.
- The steps between delay settings are too large.
- The hardware supports full 11-band parametric EQ, however, I don't know how to expose this.
- There are commands defined in the XML schema for the original software that aren't implemented, such as treble and bass settings on all individual channels.
- The EQ commands define a coefficient, g, which is not implemented. Need to test if it can specify the frequency for full parametric EQ.
- The Crossover commands define a coefficient, k, which is not implemented.
- There are arbitray limitations on Q values.
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding mac_audio_dsp
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:mac_audio_dsp, "~> 0.1.0"}
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