Based on Houdini accordion script by Chris.
A browser
No Node.js, Yarn, NPM, Webpack, Gulp, Parcel, Laravel Mix, etc...
No dependencies, no automation build tools, nada.
Copy/paste and use.
I was looking for an accessible Vanilla JS accordion that could be easily enabled/disabled on specific breakpoints. It should be accessible (ARIA attributes) and when destroyed the markup should be restored to its original state. I didn't find 100% match but I found excellent Houdini accordion script written by Chris that was very close.
Changes comparing to the original script:
- Smooth height animation instead of basic display none/block
- Fix the destroy function so it works properly
- Init/destroy accordion on specific breakpoints using JS resize with debounce function
For the demo purpose we have the following setup:
- Accordion is enabled for 768px and below and 1200px and above
- Breakpoints can be easily customized in the theme
- CSS: Autoprefixer online settings: last 2 versions
- Resize to see it in action
All credits should go to Chris since he wrote Houdini and I only slightly modified it to fit my needs.
Copyright 2020 Tomasz Bujnowicz under the MIT license.