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Tomas Santos edited this page Jul 3, 2019 · 6 revisions


Welcome to the ArenaTOW Wiki

ArenaTOW is an add-on to the popular BattleArena plugin. This plugin adds a MOBA game mode similar to League Of Legends. The basic premise of the game is as follows: two teams of about 3 players face off in an arena. The objective is to destroy the enemy's Nexus before yours is destroyed. Friendly and Enemy Towers are located around the map to protect the Nexus. Both teams periodically spawn minions that pathfind their way to the enemy nexus.

This is a BETA plugin.

PLEASE note that this plugin is still in beta. It has not been well tested and as a result is probably full of bugs. I would love for people to try out my game but just keep in mind that it will most likely have issues. If you do happen to find a bug, please add it to the issues page of this gitHub repository. Thank you!!!!

Features Include

- Nexus (Elder Guardian):

Each Arena must have two Nexi, (Red and Blue for the respective teams). When either nexus is destroyed the game is finished. The nexus has a powerful, long-range attack that targets enemy minions and enemy players.

- Tower (Golem):

Each arena can have multiple Towers for each team color. The stationary towers will target enemy players and Minions with fireball attacks in a 5x5 area.

- Minions (Zombies):

Minion spawn periodically and take a configurable path to the enemy nexus. The Minions wear colored hats that correspond to their team color. They will attack Minions, Towers, Nexus, and Players in that order.

- No friendly fire

Entities on the same team don't hurt each other, including players.

- Extremely Configurable:

All Nexus, Tower, Minion Spawning and Player spawning locations are up to you! Minions take a path that is marked by you!