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Get Macana2

git clone

This will create a folder of name macana2 in your current directory.

Build Macana2

Macana2 consists of with two sets of programs:

  • Production tools

    • include macanap and beammap
    • for actuall data processing
    • run the same way as the original macana (a. k. a., aztec_c++).
  • Testing tools

    • include beammap_gui and macana_test
    • for development and diagnostic purpose

While both of these depend on some common external libraries to compile and run, the testing tools require additional software packages and settings.

Build guides:


Install common dependencies

Homebrew is recommended to install the common dependencies.

  • Install/Update Homebrew


  • Install the dependencies

      brew tap brewsci/science
      brew install cmake libomp suitesparse gsl fftw ccfits netcdf

    Note: pay attention to the output of the brew install command, as there may be further instructions needed to complete the installation. One example is that you may need to run brew link --overwrite xxx if there is an old copy of xxx installed previously which may prevent brew from finishing its link step.

  • Notes

    Some tweaks are needed because some of the Homebrew recipes does not install things correctly.

      # suitesparse headers are not linked by default
      # replace "x.x.x" with the actual version numbers
      ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/suite-sparse/x.x.x/include /usr/local/include/suitesparse

Build production tools

With the common dependencies installed, we can build the production tools using cmake:

cd macana2
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Install dependencies for testing tools

The testing GUI is built using Qt, and the unittests uses Google Test framework. qmake from Qt is needed to generate the Makefile to build both tools.

  • Install Qt and qmake

    see and more on

    Once installed, qmake could be accessed from commandline with its full path:

      <Qt install path>/<Qt version>/clang_64/bin/qmake


  • Install Google Test Framework

    Google Test is not available in Homebrew by default, but we could still install it with a custom recipe by Kronuz:

      brew install --HEAD

Build testing tools

Once the additional dependencies are installed, we can build the testing tools using qmake:

cd macana2
mkdir qtbuild
cd qtbuild
/path/to/qmake ../

Note: There might be issues running qmake if Qt is not installed in a standard location (such as /Applications/Qt for macOS). It is recommended to use Qt Creator to configure the building environment, as well as build and run the project.

Caveat: In Qt Creator, the default "Run" settings under "Project" tab may have "Add build library search path to ..." checked. Uncheck if the program could not find the shared/dylib libraries at runtime.

Run Macana2

Production tools

The executables including macanap and beammap reside in build/bin/, e.g.,

/path/to/build_dir/bin/beammap apb.xml

Testing tools

The beammap_gui executable is in qtbuild/beammap_gui/, and macana_test is in qtbuild/test/.
