A Toit package and binary for handling ESP32 partition tables.
The package contains a library for parsing ESP32 partition tables.
Example usage:
import partition-table show *
import host.file
table-bytes := file.read-content "partitions.bin"
table := PartitionTable.decode table-bytes
table.do: | partition/Partition |
print partition.name
The binary in the 'bin' directory can be used to manipulate ESP32 partitions.
It uses the esptool
to read and write the partitions (including the partition table).
See partitions --help
for usage information. See the help output below.
The partitions
binary requires the --esptool
option to point to an esptool
binary or
file. You can find a binary in the SDK releases of Toit in the tools
or you can download one from
https://github.com/espressif/esptool/releases or
Here is the help output of the partitions
A tool to manage OTA partitions on the ESP32.
partitions <command> [<options>]
help Show help for a command.
print-otadata Print the otadata partition.
print-partitions Print the partition table.
read Reads a partition from the flash.
set-ota-state Sets the partition's state.
write Writes a partition to the flash.
--esptool string Path to esptool.py.
-h, --help Show help for this command.
--partition-table-offset string Offset of the partition table. (default: 0x8000)
--partition-table-size string Size of the partition table. (default: 0xc00)
-p, --port string Serial port to use.
# Print the partition table:
partitions print-partitions
# Print the otadata partition:
partitions print-otadata
# Read the partition 'ota_0' to 'ota_0.bin':
partitions read -o ota_0.bin ota_0
# Write the partition 'ota_0' from 'ota_0.bin':
partitions write -i ota_0.bin ota_0
# Set the state of 'ota_0' to 'pending-verify':
partitions set-ota-state --state=pending-verify ota_0