This is a tool to simlulate AWS lambda locally. It helps you develop go lambda function that you plan to put behind an Application Load Balancer.
You'll need Docker installed. Your golang code binary will have to be compatible with Linux.
go get
Then compile the code in go expecting requests coming from an ALB like:
package main
import (
func handleRequest(ctx context.Context, request events.ALBTargetGroupRequest) (events.ALBTargetGroupResponse, error) {
fmt.Printf("Processing request data for traceId %s.\n", request.Headers["x-amzn-trace-id"])
fmt.Printf("Body size = %d.\n", len(request.Body))
for key, value := range request.Headers {
fmt.Printf(" %s: %s\n", key, value)
return events.ALBTargetGroupResponse{Body: request.Body, StatusCode: 200, StatusDescription: "200 OK", IsBase64Encoded: false, Headers: map[string]string{}}, nil
func main() {
Then run in a console
local-lambda --binary main
In another console you can send the http request like:
The local-lambda will show you logs that you would usually find in AWS Cloudwatch logs:
START RequestId: a9f293cc-8ce5-1790-bb74-dee907441c4b Version: $LATEST
Processing request data for traceId .
Body size = 0.
Accept: */*
User-Agent: curl/7.58.0
END RequestId: a9f293cc-8ce5-1790-bb74-dee907441c4b
REPORT RequestId: a9f293cc-8ce5-1790-bb74-dee907441c4b Duration: 1.25 ms Billed Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 1536 MB Max Memory Used: 7 MB
{"statusCode":200,"statusDescription":"200 OK","headers":{},"multiValueHeaders":null,"body":"","isBase64Encoded":false}
This script is just a thin layer on top of lambci/docker-lambda so it is possible to extend this project to support further languages and type of events.